Friday, April 30, 2010

I Think I've Lost My Cool...

I'm not totally positive, but I'm pretty sure.

Today I was out with my girls running some errands, it was a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, there was a cool breeze, we're dancing in the car, I've got my new sunglasses on, I'm having a good hair day, and I'm lovin' my new nail polish on my toes...

It's just a feel good day...I'm feeling, cool.


I decide to get some gas while it's so nice outside. I get out, start pumping the gas, and continue to admire my hip and funky "Flirt with Fuchsia" polish. All the sudden the guy on the other side of the pump says...

Guy - Nice day out, huh?

Me - Yep, it's gorgeous.

(and then, he blind sides me with...)

Guy - You must have a baby...

(I pause and try to figure out if that's what he really said...and then try to decide if this is going in the direction of a compliment or an insult...)

Me - What? Well, yea, I do kinda have "a baby."

Guy - It's obvious, you have throw up all down the back of your shoulder...

Me - What? Oh, I mean, I know...haha...ha...ha. Oh mercy.

(yea I missed it. I was carrying a babe...while she was eating a graham cracker-ish thing...and yes she might have sneezed a couple times...and drooled or possibly spit up all down the back of me without me knowing...leading to this pretty addition to my favorite hoodie...)

Funny thing is, it made me wonder how often I go into public places like this...a lot?

Oh well, it happens, right? Not really? Just to me? Crap.

I think in that moment I went from, "I'm a cool, fun, modern mom..." to "I am waiting on the bus to MomJeansVille, Population: Me."

Good night, Coolness. Good Morning, 24/7 Mama...

It's alright though, I'd rather have that title anyway :).


I am off to start getting things together for our little 4th bday party on Sunday, thanks for your ideas! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

(Everything Is Pink)

The cake, cupcakes, napkins, plates...everything.

It all has to be pink.

They insist.

More pics to come after their party on Sunday :)...

I'm looking for some fun party games or crafts - Anyone have some suggestions?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You 2, Are 4!


You girls turn 4 today.

Life goes so quickly sometimes, and I forget that you were indeed, this small...

I blinked, and here we are.

You're 4!

My girls, my 1st set of twins, my most active kiddos at the moment :)...

You both challenge me, you intrigue me, and you push me to be a better mommy.

Thank you. I need that push.

This last year has been wonderful. The changes you have made, well, are countless.

Just the other night at Urgent Care (cause you both had strep throat!), you pointed at the door on the way out and said, "Look! E-X-I-T, Exit!" As I shuffled around looking for my keys and organizing prescriptions, I looked down and thought, "did they just say that??" I watched you take each others hand as we walked to the car, and I had a Mommy Moment.

You know the ones. Those sweet moments.

Mercy. You are growing, you are learning, and you are turning into "little girls." Be still my heart.

Charlotte. My self soother, my Char, my Charlotte Grace. Your laugh is contagious, and your smile is priceless. You're sharp, funny, and sweet. Your attention to detail baffles us. I loovve how you smile so big that your eyes actually close, we should all smile that big...

Reese. My know-it-all, my Reese Olivia, my Cindy Lou Hoo. You are a bundle of fun. You are athletic, fearless, and your smile melts my heart. You are one smart, savvy little girl, and we are always cracking up at your amazingly funny sense of humor. You are, too cute...

4 years ago today I held you for the 1st time. Those moments were some of the best moments of my life. And ever since then, you have made my life richer, every day.

You both bring so much joy to our family. You show us love, teach us patience, and you make us laugh, all the time...
My babies, I look forward to spending today with just the 2 of you. Let's go to breakfast, take some pictures in your new dresses, pick out decorations for your party this Sunday, and then go get us some Polka Dot Cupcakes - sound good?

Love you, our little ladies. You are two of our greatest gifts from above.

Happy 4th Birthday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(Sidewalk Chalk)

I may need to explain to Kinley that we color with the chalk - we don't eat the chalk...

Monday, April 26, 2010

We're Out In The Country...

But we are moving soon...

The renovations are coming to an end, and the painting has started...

All my color choices have come easy. That is, all but one.

The Kitchen.

It should be bold and bright, shouldn't it?!

What do you think? What color is your kitchen?

Friday, April 23, 2010

I Might Be On A Mommy Soapbox

I kinda feel like every mommy should be on a soapbox.

I'm going to go out on a limb and share some of my heart. I have been praying through my own feelings on friendships lately- whats right and wrong, what boundaries should be set, and how to steer clear of the ones who don't have your best interest at heart.

I have grown weary of all the judging, clicks, competition, and gossip that can come along with a group of ladies. I feel like this year I have seen a lot of people lash out at each other in ways I've never seen - like on Social Networking sites. Please, don't try to prove something by putting it on the Internet. That is just so petty, not to mention hurtful.

I can no longer stomach the whole, "who's best friends with who, who has more money, nicer things, better cars, bigger homes, more kids, more time, less stress, more patience, a better figure..." Oh, the list could go on, right?

Second guessing myself is unfortunately something that comes very natural to me - especially when making decisions about these little loves that God has entrusted to us. So when I have to drag a crying child out of the store because we aren't buying an icee, I don't need a fellow mommy "friend" standing there questioning or judging if or how I discipline my children. I already question myself, my patience, and my parenting when I get to the car.

Let's go easy on each other and remember that every child & every situation is different. Not to mention it's really not any of your business.


I'm not going to play the "Keeping Up With the Jone's" game. You know why? Cause I can't keep up.

I am who I am, dealing with what I've been given, trying to be the mom God wants me to be, and we are making decisions that we feel are best for our family. I am offering as much as I can (which isn't much at times) to my girlfriends, and I'm trying my hardest to invest in the ladies that make my life richer. It's hard sometimes. My days of hanging out at the last minute, and chatting on the phone several times a day have waved goodbye. 5 kiddos consume most of my hours - and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Although, I would like to shower without all the banging on the door. You know, at some point.

Now don't get me wrong. I have been that person. I have done it, I have been there, and I have said that. Everyone has.

But I am just so convicted about it lately, and I wanted to share.

I love this piece from Jen Klein's article on the "Mommy Mafia":

"It starts with accepting ourselves and the choices we have made. We each make a set of choices based on our life, knowledge, resources, and the information before us. No two sets of circumstances are exactly the same either, even with the same family - and when you're making decisions for your family, the response of the local Mommy Mafia should be the last thing on your mind.

Once we get to personal acceptance, its a short hop to real support of one another as moms.Banish the Mommy Mafia and reject the Turf Wars. Be the best mom you can be, but accept your imperfections and just keep working at it. You'll likely find that you're more resilient, and have less need to lash out. - and that's just plain good parenting."

So why don't all of us moms and women uplift each other, include each other, and spend more time on our own lives instead of judging others? Let's try to stop the petty competition, and start asking ourselves about our own motives. Is that to much to ask?

There is nothing like a good girls day/night out filled with laughter and encouragement, you know, when you walk away feeling good and refreshed.

We need more of those times, don't we?

Monday, April 19, 2010

She Got Her Hair Cut At Hobby Lobby

It's time to start painting the house. That is, fantastic news. We are hoping to move in in about 2 weeks. I still can't believe it.

Anyway. So the other day I headed out to Hobby Lobby to pick up some new frames for the new (to us) house...

...and some wall art

...and some paint

...and some canvas's for a project.

I never walk out with only what I walked in for. It's like the Craft Store version of Target. Too many deals to pass up.

The girls and I picked out our stuff, 2 people ask if they're "all mine", and we head to the checkout. I let the girls look at all the gadgets, they are most intrigued by this thing called a "Fan Man." They fan each other, I check out the deals in this weeks ad, and Ella pretends to dry her hair.

Just for future reference - don't ever, ever, hold a fan close to your hair.

Bad things happen.

Next thing I know, a big chunk of Ella's hair is wrapped around the fan, and completely caught, I couldn't get it to budge one bit. I tried to pull as much as she would let me without causing a scene, but no luck.

So I did what I had to do...

Excuse me, ma'am, do you have scissors I could use?

I had to cut it out of her hair. In lane 5. At Hobby Lobby.

So above is the new toy I kinda had to buy this weekend. I couldn't even get all the hair out after it was all done!

Alright, Fan Man, you have proved your point. We will not doubt your strength again. Promise.

Please tell me someone else has had to cut something out of a child's hair :)...

Friday, April 16, 2010

(These Girls)

Oh so sweet...

I know, I'm partial :)...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why, Yes...

The neighbor boy has been over a lot lately...

And, yes - he brings over all his superheros, laser guns, cowboy boots, bomb noises, cub scout knives, and universe saving gadgets...

But my little ladies don't care anything about all that boyish stuff...

Why do you ask?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The dishes need done...

but these little shoes want to walk in the grass...

The laundry is (as usual) overflowing...

but these swings are calling our names...

I need to mop the floor...

but these little toes aren't going to paint themselves...

We could sit together inside...

but our favorite seat is waiting in the back yard...

We could play a card game...

but Red Light, Green Light is so much more fun!

We are In Love with Spring. Anyone else??

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

She Caught A Bug...

Luckily, she got to have Ice Cream for lunch, first :). (see below)

This little one has been sick the past few days, and keeping me super busy...

With a temp of 104, she won't let me put her down...

Here's hoping she doesn't pass it to her sisters!

Back soon...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

She Had Ice Cream For Lunch

She loovved her 1st Ice Cream Cone, as you can see :).

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's The 2010 Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

It's time for the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!

Those of you that swing by here often know me well - since there aren't many secrets around this blog :). But if you're stopping by for the 1st time, let me tell you a little about myself....

I'm Kate. Wife to Eric for 7 years, and mama to 5 savvy little women, ages 5 & under. We were married in 2003, had Ella in 2004, Reese & Charlotte in 2006, and Kinley & Raya in 2008.

It was a busy 5 years.

I write here about our everyday life - our adventures, our madness, our passions, life with multiples, photography, organic food, yummy recipes, insane amounts of laundry, funny stuff that gets me through the day, and Target.

Yes, that's right, I love Target. I might as well throw on a red shirt and apply for a job.

I also love diet coke w/ crushed ice, hummus, loving on my amazing little ladies, writing, good pictures, dates with my husband, twitter, cookouts, and a laughing till I cry.

But most of all, I love the Lord. After all, He is the reason we have what we do, and He's the one that loves us most.

So come on, get over there! It's a great way to connect to other bloggers - you know you want to party! I look forward to getting to know many of you this week!

The Children, And The Laundry, Have Joined Forces

It's a conspiracy.

The girls and the laundry, they're in it together.

Have you ever been so far behind, that you forget whats what? Half way through a basket today, I realized I was folding dirty laundry. Oh yea, that's right.

And let's not forget the fact that I've let it get to this point in someone else's home...

I need to get control of this situation. At least until we move. After that I can let the laundry pile up as high as my little heart desires.

Every now and then I get a few minutes to knock out a load. But again, I believe the children and the laundry have teamed up to see how far behind I can get.

So the older girls change clothes any time they can, and the babies destroy anything and everything that's folded...

They're good at what they do - and they're amazingly cute while they do it.

They're a savvy little group, those girls.

Now excuse me while I go stack another basket on that pile...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Stand Corrected

I thought this was the worst display ever.

But I stand corrected....

Clerk: Ma'am, they aren't supposed to be climbing on the equipment...

Me: Oh, I'm sorry. I need to stay by the cart with my babies, while I pay - so it's hard to get them to stay with me when there is a 3 story display like that in the store...

(That's right, 3 stories to that swing set. I was even curious, and considered climbing on in to see what it was like. Not really. Well, maybe.)

So how can I reason with 3yr olds?

Clerk: Well, the sign says, "do not climb."

Me: I know. But to 3yr olds, the sign says, "climb, have fun, this is like a party."

And then, she said this...

Clerk: Maybe they can all sit in the cart...

(Two 16mo olds, and Two 3yr olds in the CART!? With all my groceries!? What!?)
(You obviously don't have kids.)
(And you surely don't have multiples.)
(And for the record, aren't you supposed to be making MY shopping experience easier??)
(I actually laughed.)

Me: Huh? I'm pretty sure that is a safety hazard. They're just looking around. Those girls are so curious. Maybe next Spring you could just hang a poster instead of actually putting up a display that begs to be climbed on?

Maybe? No? Ok.

Well, have a great afternoon!


If you build it, the Little's will come. I'm just sayin'.

Anyway. We are off to the park. Pending I can walk after my meeting with Jillian this morning :).

Hope you all have a great day!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday's Comin'

This is such an awesome video from Church this morning - I just had to share...

Incredible, and Amazing.

"Now, get on your way quickly and tell his disciples, 'He is risen from the dead. He is going on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there.' That's the message." Matthew 28:6-8 (The Message)

Hope everyone had a great Easter...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fillin' Some Baskets

Our Spring Break is coming to a close...

We have run around a ton, played at parks, and enjoyed this amazing weather...

We have just been hanging out together, my ladies and I...

So we're off today to run some errands, get some groceries, and stock on some Easter goodies...

I have no idea what is going in the Easter Baskets (not that it's going to be a lot). I want to give them something other than a lot of candy - we have enough of that! Flip Flops, sunglasses, books? Oh, I'm a little behind :).

What do you put in your baskets (if you do them)? Do you do an Egg Hunt? I would love some fun ideas!