Tuesday, April 13, 2010

She Caught A Bug...

Luckily, she got to have Ice Cream for lunch, first :). (see below)

This little one has been sick the past few days, and keeping me super busy...

With a temp of 104, she won't let me put her down...

Here's hoping she doesn't pass it to her sisters!

Back soon...


  1. Oh I hope she's feeling better soon! (And that yes indeed her sisters don't get it!!) Take care, Mama!

  2. Ohh...poor little sweetie! HOpe she gets better oon and nobody else gets it!

  3. praying for your sweet one... and that the other girls AND mom stay well!!

  4. AWW! hope she feels better soon.

  5. My little one woke up yesterday with a 104 temp too!
    Oh, and I totally thought of you today when I was at Sam's and saw the three story play set!!

  6. Hope she feels better soon!

    I commented on your UBP post, but wanted to let you know I added you to my google reader. I love your blog so far and can't wait to see more. I will live vicariously through your life with girls. I am due with my 2nd boy in a couple weeks and I don't think we will be having anymore.

  7. Sorry she was feeling sick. Hope she is doing better now.
