Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You 2, Are 4!


You girls turn 4 today.

Life goes so quickly sometimes, and I forget that you were indeed, this small...

I blinked, and here we are.

You're 4!

My girls, my 1st set of twins, my most active kiddos at the moment :)...

You both challenge me, you intrigue me, and you push me to be a better mommy.

Thank you. I need that push.

This last year has been wonderful. The changes you have made, well, are countless.

Just the other night at Urgent Care (cause you both had strep throat!), you pointed at the door on the way out and said, "Look! E-X-I-T, Exit!" As I shuffled around looking for my keys and organizing prescriptions, I looked down and thought, "did they just say that??" I watched you take each others hand as we walked to the car, and I had a Mommy Moment.

You know the ones. Those sweet moments.

Mercy. You are growing, you are learning, and you are turning into "little girls." Be still my heart.

Charlotte. My self soother, my Char, my Charlotte Grace. Your laugh is contagious, and your smile is priceless. You're sharp, funny, and sweet. Your attention to detail baffles us. I loovve how you smile so big that your eyes actually close, we should all smile that big...

Reese. My know-it-all, my Reese Olivia, my Cindy Lou Hoo. You are a bundle of fun. You are athletic, fearless, and your smile melts my heart. You are one smart, savvy little girl, and we are always cracking up at your amazingly funny sense of humor. You are, too cute...

4 years ago today I held you for the 1st time. Those moments were some of the best moments of my life. And ever since then, you have made my life richer, every day.

You both bring so much joy to our family. You show us love, teach us patience, and you make us laugh, all the time...
My babies, I look forward to spending today with just the 2 of you. Let's go to breakfast, take some pictures in your new dresses, pick out decorations for your party this Sunday, and then go get us some Polka Dot Cupcakes - sound good?

Love you, our little ladies. You are two of our greatest gifts from above.

Happy 4th Birthday!


  1. Sounds like a fun day! Enjoy your 4 year olds today.

    Don't blink, or they will be grown up (as my sweet twins are). 21 years ago I held my twins in my arms. Sweet memories! I love that I get to relive my "twin moments" through you and Twinsanity.


  2. A sweet tribute written only as an adoring mama can :) Happy Birthday to your girls! Have fun!

  3. Happy Birthday little ladies! Kate you moved me almost to tears! You are a wonderful mommy! I love reading your blog because I get a view of what I have to look forward to with my chicks .

  4. Happy 4th Birthday, Sweet Girls! I have four year old twin boys...these beautiful girls motivate me to train them into *men*!

  5. What a beautiful post! Happy Birthday to your girls!

  6. Awww, what a sweet post! Did you cry when writing this like I always do when birthday posting, lol!? Happy birthday, Reese & Charlotte! Have a fun day! :)

  7. Happy Birthday C and R! Happy "birth"day to you too mama!

  8. Happy Birthday Girls!!! LOVE YOU SO Much. You make me smile every time I see you.

  9. Happy 4th birthday to your sweet girls!

    I think I wrote a very similar post today. I love that both of our "first set" share the same birthday. Too sweet!

    Here's some big birthday girls from my birthday girls to yours. ;)

  10. Happy birthday, Charlotte and Reese! Hope you all had an amazing day celebrating!

  11. YAY!! Happy Birthday sweet girls!!

    Enjoy the pink extravaganza!

  12. Ok, first I got goosebumps and then I cried. Yep, I just cried reading this. Kate, that was so sweet! Those little girls are beyond precious. Oh, and that picture that you posted of Charlotte kissing Reese is one of my all-time favorites. Love it! Love them! Happy birthday, little ladies!

  13. Happy, happy birthday, girls! Hope you had a great day together!

  14. Awww, that was a beautiful post. You're daughters are blessed to have such an amazing mother that adores them. They are so precious.
    It sounds like you have a fun filled day planned for you are your little ladies. Enjoy! Happy 4th Birthday girls!
