Friday, April 9, 2010

It's The 2010 Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

It's time for the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!

Those of you that swing by here often know me well - since there aren't many secrets around this blog :). But if you're stopping by for the 1st time, let me tell you a little about myself....

I'm Kate. Wife to Eric for 7 years, and mama to 5 savvy little women, ages 5 & under. We were married in 2003, had Ella in 2004, Reese & Charlotte in 2006, and Kinley & Raya in 2008.

It was a busy 5 years.

I write here about our everyday life - our adventures, our madness, our passions, life with multiples, photography, organic food, yummy recipes, insane amounts of laundry, funny stuff that gets me through the day, and Target.

Yes, that's right, I love Target. I might as well throw on a red shirt and apply for a job.

I also love diet coke w/ crushed ice, hummus, loving on my amazing little ladies, writing, good pictures, dates with my husband, twitter, cookouts, and a laughing till I cry.

But most of all, I love the Lord. After all, He is the reason we have what we do, and He's the one that loves us most.

So come on, get over there! It's a great way to connect to other bloggers - you know you want to party! I look forward to getting to know many of you this week!


  1. Stopping by from UBP 2010. We hope you'll take a moment to visit our website, The Power of Moms. A great site where mothers throughout the world can connect with and draw strength from each other.
    Have a good day.

  2. Hi there! Everyday in your house must be so much fun with all those little ones!

  3. Stopping by from the UBP! WOW, you have been blessed with a beautiful family. Life with two sets of multiples must be insane and fun! Blessings!

  4. Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party! I also love Target. And hummus. And writing. Nice meeting you!

  5. Wow, 2 sets of twins?? I thought I was busy with just one set! You are truly blessed with beautiful girls. It was nice to "meet" you today, have a great weekend!

  6. So nice to meet you! Your girls are beautiful! I can only imagine what your days are like! :)

  7. Hopping by from UBP 2010 and oh so wow! with your girls,I envy you,can I trade one of my boys? (j/k) :D
    My UBP 2010 Party Post

  8. Wow! Great blog and adorable girls!

  9. Okay, so now you're like the 4th blog in a row that I've seen mentioning this blog party!!!

    I'm gonna go check it out! Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Hi Kate, my name is Monique. Came across your blog on UBP10. I love Target also. Such great cheap prices! Great work having 5 lil ones!! They are all so gorgeous. Well, just wanted to say "hello" and have a nice dinner! Cheers ❀

  11. you have a precious family! I love target too... :)

  12. What a gorgeous family! Those 5 little ones are absolutely adorable!

  13. Hey Kate just wanted to say "Hi" have a great weekend.

  14. Hi it is nice to meet you! I am stopping by from the Blog Party. Please come by and say hi!

  15. Dropped in for the blog party. Your girls are adorable! It's so foreign to me-I have ONE child, a teen, who is a boy.

    I wouldn't know what to do with five girls, lol!

    Have fun with the blog party-and I'd love to have you drop by Notes From the Cookie Jar! :)

  16. You must love the little ones. I have 3 under age 5 and sometimes I think I am going crazy. I like your blog and header. It looks great. Happy Blogging Party. Visit me at couponcookin and enter in my giveaway; all you have to do is enter a comment.

  17. Oh my goodness your girls are beautiful! Love your blog and look forward to checking out more of your posts. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the UBP :0)

  18. I'll admit it - I have a soft spot for beautiful blond little girls. :) Just dropping by from the party.

  19. hello. wow bet you enjoy ever minute minute of thoes babies. they are beautiful. have fun with your blog. here from the ubp

  20. Stopping in from UPB10! Your blog design is beautiful. I enjoyed reading many of yours posts. Must be crazy fun raising all those little girls! I've got 4 but they are spaced apart every 3 or 4 years. LOL Looking forward to visiting more!

  21. Hi, I'm visiting from UBP. Nice to meet you! I blog as Money Savin' Momma on our freebie / deal / money saving website. We'd love it if you stop by our site too! What a blessing (and a challenge!) to have 5 kiddos under 5.

    Best wishes to you and your blog in 2010!

    Money Savin' Momma @ EADFL :)

  22. BEAUTIFUL children! You are a busy mama! =)

  23. Dropping by from, love LOVE your children's names!!

  24. Oh my! You are so blessed to have so many beauties in your house! I'm stopping in from UBP10 and I'm so glad I did. I can't wait to catch up on some of your posts here and read the new ones to come. I hope you can take some time to stop by my blog and take a peek. Here is the link to my party post:

  25. WOW! Trying to get over the shock of the 5 blessings you have! The Lord certainly knows what each of us can handle and you guys must be amazing to have 2 sets of multiples and an oldest sister to guide them along.

    Blessings in your home!

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words

  26. Kudos to you for having 5 - 5 and under.

    Hi there. Greetings from Miami, FL. I'm stopping in this Monday to toss a little confetti, pull up a cozy virtual chair and party with you for a bit. Let's have some fun!

    I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse along with some giveaways and one of those posts that give you a little taste of what's it like to have some Dayngr in your life. I hope you'll surf on over, say hello and follow along if the mood strikes you.

    Oh, one last thing - If you're the tweetin' kind, I'm @Dayngr on twitter.

  27. Wow...5 girls under 5! I'm impressed, and humbled. What a joy! Thanks for being part of the party, I'm so glad I stopped by!

  28. Love your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine. Just became a new follower. You have such a beautiful family, the Lord has truly blessed you.

  29. visiting via UBP and WOW--Your blog is beautiful, and so is your family :)

    It's always nice to meet a fellow Diet Coke addict...

  30. Must be crazy with 2 sets of twins. :) My two kids keep me running all day long, I can't imagine what 5 of my children would be like. :p

    I LOVE Target. I always tell my husband to just give me gift cards for Target when Christmas and my birthday roll around but he never listens. I've often said I should just work at Target too.. although I'm certain it would take the joy out of shopping there.

  31. Stopping by from the UBP to say Hi. Wow, 5 kids under 5! I have 10 kids but they range in age from 23 down to 4. You have a beautiful family!


  32. I'm visiting with the UBP and having a great time. 5 little girls! WOW! Your husband is greatly outnumbered. :) I honestly cannot imagine how you do it! The Lord must have really equipped you in the Mommy Dept. I hope you'll visit my online store: sometime. I'm also giving a prize away during the UBP - #USC34. Enjoy the party!

  33. Wow 2 sets of twins. Now that's some work. We have 6 but no twins...I want some though! LOL.

    Target rocks.

    Over from UBP.

  34. Hey! I have 5 but not under 5. I am expecting again. there is some suspicion of twins, but I doubt it. lol. Looks like a f un blog! So glad I stopped by through the UBP!

  35. I don't know how you even find time to blog but I'm glad you do. Hummus rules and so does the Lord. Glad to meet you, see you at the ubp party.

  36. Hi, stopping by with the UBP10! I have 3 under the age of 5... I can't imagine having 2 sets of twins!! Good job mama! :)

  37. Your girls are adorable! I have two boys - one almost three, and one will turn one this week. Fun ages, aren't they?

    I'm visiting from the UBP - come visit me when you get a chance at!

  38. Visiting from UBP2010; your children are precious! I'm the mom of two girls - and can't imagine how you have time to blog! I'll be following you on Twitter; maybe I can find out some of your secrets. ;)

  39. Blog hopping from the UBP! Your house must be such fun with all those little ones running around - chaos - but fun. Hope you will check out my blog - all about my life as a first time mom to one.


  40. Stopping in from UBP! You have adorable girls! It must be so much fun.

  41. Stopping by from the blog party! I enjoyed your blog and now I'm off to read more about you. Have a great time at the party.

  42. Hi Kate! Nice to meet you! I'm stopping in via UBP. I enjoyed reading your blog. Your girls are perfect, just adorable! I will be visiting your blog again!

    I hope you can stop by our blog: is a mom owned newly launched site.

    Have a beautiful day

  43. Do you really have 2 sets of twins? Am I reading the ages right! Wowza!

    Happy UBP! I'm a new follower of your blog.

    Come check out mine:

  44. Ok, so this is not new news to me, but I giggled when I saw your girls' birth years. I had mine the same years too. So funny! If I knew you IRL we'd be hanging out at Target together every week. ;)

  45. Hi there! I'm your newest follower from the UBP! 5 girls under 5?! I have 3 girls... my youngest just turned 2 two weeks ago and my twins will be 5 on Monday! I am forever hearing about my "poor" husband as I imagine you are too! And while I have 1 set of twins I can't imagine another! Would love if you'd stop by my blog - I only started last month, but I'm getting there! And as of today I have a few 'big' giveaways planned :)

  46. cute blog, cute blog name...and I want to come back and read more....

    This is such a fun party and I have already met some of the greatest bloggers... I am sad it is about to end. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....

  47. Stopping by from the UBP. I am so glad I came by. I love your blog and am not subscribed.

    Your daughters are gorgeous!

  48. Oh, God bless you! I had three in three years, so I can only imagine how challenging life must be. With that being said, I know you're blessed five times over, too! Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for letting me visit your party!

  49. Hi!! I found you through UBP10! You sound like a fun person to be around! I love your sense of humor and the Target story! Haha. Your girls are beautiful and you are so blessed to have twins! I can't wait to read more.
    I'm following you now.

  50. stopping in from UBP! Beautiful family. I love target too


  51. Cute cute blog!! I love hummus too! :)

    Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  52. Found your blog - UBP 2010! Very fun. I love finding all these other great blogs and meeting other Moms that blog!

  53. Visiting back from the UBP - thanks so much for stopping by my party post and it's wonderful to meet you! :)
