Friday, April 9, 2010

The Children, And The Laundry, Have Joined Forces

It's a conspiracy.

The girls and the laundry, they're in it together.

Have you ever been so far behind, that you forget whats what? Half way through a basket today, I realized I was folding dirty laundry. Oh yea, that's right.

And let's not forget the fact that I've let it get to this point in someone else's home...

I need to get control of this situation. At least until we move. After that I can let the laundry pile up as high as my little heart desires.

Every now and then I get a few minutes to knock out a load. But again, I believe the children and the laundry have teamed up to see how far behind I can get.

So the older girls change clothes any time they can, and the babies destroy anything and everything that's folded...

They're good at what they do - and they're amazingly cute while they do it.

They're a savvy little group, those girls.

Now excuse me while I go stack another basket on that pile...


  1. oh girl...i know. it's awful. and i don't even have as many little ones as you do! now that outdoor playtime is the norm around here, it's out of control. they have to change clothes when they come inside. and sweet pea thinks life is a fashion show, so she changes for random reasons throughout the day. i begin to tremble as i round the corner toward the laundry room. i'm afraid. very afraid.

  2. Kate, I can commiserate! With three boys who find every mud puddle and who seem to enjoy grass staining every inch of their being...I know! And little princess thinks one must change outfits at least 3 times a day. OY!

  3. This is my life right's so depressing. The laundry...not my life :)

  4. I've had so much laundry piled on living room couches/chairs that there's not even anywhere to sit! So...yeah, I feel ya! :) Oh, and I know about not knowing what's what. For a month I used a fabric softener as laundry detergent. Can you say spacey?! :) Hang in there!

  5. I hated doing laundry and is was such a chore at the old house, since the laundry room was in the basement two floors below the bedrooms. Ick. Now, though, the Lord has blessed me with a laundry room UPSTAIRS between all of the bedrooms! It's been such a HUGE blessing for me, and I honestly don't mind laundry now. I believe an upstairs laundry room is the best invention of this century.... Now, if I could just figure something out for the dishes... That's what I REALLY loathe... :(

  6. Kate, you just made me love you and your awesome, honest blog even more. That laundry picture? It's my laundry room, cut in half. That's right, I have double that craziness going on. Why?!

  7. You know, I don't mind DOING the laundry, if only someone would fold it and put it away for me...maybe you could start training your babies to do that :) {Kidding, in case you couldn't tell} :)

  8. Love that you have a little lady IN the laundry basket. That's what happens to ours too. I don't know about you, but I manage to get laundry clean... on good days, even folded. But getting it put away?? Impossible. I just grab clean clothes out of the laundry basket :)

  9. I gave up and got 1 basket for each person in the house. It's the only way I could get it somewhat under control. It sure ain't easy.

  10. I've done the same thing (folding dirty laundry)...and devoted blog posts to this very topic, as well. Depressing, isn't it? :(
