5 years ago today, on June 5th 2004, I became a mother.
God gave us a miracle that morning at 6:22am after being in labor for almost 24 hours. A little girl that has been such a tremendous blessing in our life.
.....Ella, 5 years ago, you made me a mother.....

We became parents, and our parents, became grandparents, for the 1st time. So as you can imagine, there was a lot of excitement in the air!
I lived out a dream that morning when they handed you to me, an amazing picture of God's Grace in my life. I remember laying in that bed trying to swallow the fact that you were actually ours, a precious little girl, a daughter, I couldn't believe it. We were overwhelmed with joy!
You are an incredible help to me, at such a young age. I have been amazed at your willingness to help out or lend a hand. I am so proud of you. You are loved tremendously by all 4 of your little sisters, they truly adore you. I can see how much you care about them, and it has been a blessing to watch you be the "big sister" & set an awesome example for the younger girls. Again, you make me so proud!
Time is going way to fast, and today, you turn 5!
Ella, you:
...have an amazingly sweet spirit & heart...
...love to play outside...
...love to be Mommy's "big helper"...
...can count to 100 & beyond...
...love learning to read...
...just started to tie your shoes...
...will be starting kindergarten in the Fall...
...are a sponge, you soak up everything you hear, and always remember it...
...are wise beyond your years...
...love crafts...
...love to play hide & seek...
...absolutely adore the little girls in your preschool class...
...have the sweetest laugh, it's contagious...
...love going for walks...
...love to swim...
...and love everything girly, jewelry, dress-up, etc...
I am so excited to celebrate with you today, and tomorrow at your birthday party!
We love you so much, our sweet Ella!! Happy 5th birthday babe!!
Happy birthday, Ella! It can be a tough job, being a big sister to so many little ladies. But I'm sure she is wonderful at it! I wish she and Maggie could get together and play... I think they'd understand each other. :)
What a wonderful day. Happy Birthday Ella!
Grandma has read your Mommy's Birthday tribute to you, and I'm sitting at my desk, at work, with tears in my eyes. You are truly a beautiful child, not only in spirit, but in your smile, and your amazing, loving, personality.
Happy Birthday, Ella,
Love, Grandma
What a beautiful birthday tribute to your daughter.
Happy 5th Birthday Ella!
Such a sweet post about your oldest.
Don't ya just LOVE being a mom??
Birthday wishes coming your way, Miss Ella! :)
Happy Birthday, Ella! Hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration!
My daughter recently turned 5 also and I just can't believe how fast time has gone by.
Happy Belated Birthday, Ella!
Happy Birthday Ella!
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