Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Refreshed, But Way Behind

Last night I started a Bible study with some of my favorite girls. I am so thankful for their encouragement, and for listening...so refreshing.
Praise the Lord for good friends, good laughs, and half price appetizers :).

Today however, the laundry has to get done.
I am way behind.
And I have waited for it to fold itself, but it's just not happening.

So this morning I will tackle this...

And more of this...

And hopefully this afternoon we can get out and do a little of this...

And maybe even this...

Here's hoping that I make it out from under the laundry pile!
Hope you all are having a great day & get to enjoy some of this sunshine!


Annika said...

Oh the joys of laundry. This too shall come to pass. Someday you'll be twiddling your thumbs wondering what to do with all your extra time :) Enjoy the weather this afternoon. We are having a beautiful day here.

mandbrid said...

Good Luck! Personally I think taking the kids to the park is more work than doing their laundry - so good luck with everything!

Sarah said...

The Bible study is totally worth it! I got to do a 6 week one at my church... oh my, I've missed that so much!

Leslie said...

Look at all that pink and purple laundry! Except for my clothing, you won't find those colors in my baskets! Funny thing is, we live in a PINK house! My guys are thrilled with the unmanliness of it!

Leslie said...

That should be they AREN'T thrilled with the unmanliness of it! OOPS!

Anonymous said...

Haha...I did a little photo story today too! Yours was really cute and laundry was a part of mine too! I got 4 loads done! Woohoo! :) How did you do?

Kelly said...

I don't mind doing laundry but I hate the folding. I finally folded two loads of my girls clothing last night and already have another two loads I need to do. I can't imagine how much laundry you have with 5 little girls

Anonymous said...

mum i would love some of your girls panties