Yes, we are pumped for the new house. Perfect location, close to grandma, great yard, not to mention it's only 5min from my favorite Target...I know, it's like a red clearance sticker dream.
It's dated, but it's ours. I can't wait to get in there and start re-doing things, fixing it up, and making it a home. Ahhh, that sounds like bliss.
Oh Lord, please let the inspections go well!
I do have a question though. Our girls share rooms right now. In our old 3bedroom home, the babies shared a room, and the 3 older girls shared a room. This new house has 4 rooms, which opens the door for Ella to have her own. While I know she is the oldest, the only singleton, and loves the idea of her own space, I also know that they do a lot of laughing and talking at night when we put them to bed.
You know, the night time talking that makes you crazy - and you just want to go in and scream "stop speaking, and close your eyes...go to sleep!!" Ahem...
Anyway. Even though that chatter does make me a little crazy sometimes, it is sweet. They have so much fun together...

Oh, and I guess I should mention that I want to make that 4th bedroom into the cutest playroom you've ever seen...
So what do you think??
my thought is this. Keep them in the same room. Make the other the cutest play room. It wont be long before she'll be asking (begging) for her own room and they will grow out of the cute play room. So then you can do the ole....You're the biggest big sister and finally get your own space'll happen before you know it. Keep them together, dont break them'll happen naturally. besides if you dont bring it up they probably wont say a thing. Just my two cents.
Our two will be sharing a room. My 3 sisters and I shared a room and our bro got his own for awhile, then all 4 of us shared for 2 years, then it fluctuated a bit. The two of us older girls shared for a while while the the younger sister and bro had their own and we tried various combination over the years. I would keep the girls together for now--it can always be a special privilege when she hits middle school or whenever you deem appropriate.
First off, it made me chuckle about being close to Target. I always "joke" that when we move, there has to be a Target close. And yes, with this move, I have been checking the store locator once or ten times... ;)
My vote for the girls would be to keep them together! How sweet... Even though we'll have enough bedrooms in the new house for the boys to each have a room, I'm going to keep them together so they can race in their car beds together! :) I want them to have that extra boost of sibling togetherness to foster friendship.
Still praying for your home inspection!!!
I say keep the girls in the same room and make number 4 a playroom! I'm sure that when they're older they'll want to be separated, so you might as well enjoy it now :)
I agree with keeping them together..first having your own room is so gets lonely..and I say that from speaking of our experience..when my oldest was 13yrs old she wanted her own room so, we rearranged and she roomed alone..then I noticed she always asked for a younger sibling to sleep with her..(not her sis that was just 3 years younger).
Anywho..when the second oldest got a bit older..they started rooming together..and have ever since..
We are re-doing our home and the two older sisters are getting the largest bedroom so they can room together and do all things girlie that a 15 year old and an almost 12year old do..(nails, hair,
Rooming together promotes such a bond..I love how close my two
big(ger) girls are..
Plus Ella is so young..she has plenty of time to have her own room..hope that helps..
Go for the playrooom:)
I second what "membership required" wrote.
All 3 of my boys share a room. I think you should keep them together! It sounds like bonds are being made in the night time! Plus, a toy room would be such a bonus...what parent doesn't want a toy room?!
Def keep them together and make a playroom. They are so young and that is great bonding time. She will never know that she could have had her own room unless you tell her anyway. I am so happy for you! I hope you post pics soon!!
I know that we're going to do a trial run of a few different situations - so no painting and permanent things on the walls for a while. Kids think they know what they want, but then they so quickly change their minds. I vote let Ella decide and then if she wants to be back with R and C, let her and then you get to do your play room.
I'm with Melissa... try different things and see what they like best. We have ours in different rooms. It makes a HUGE difference in sleep. The twins played and talked and bothered each other, so we finally put them in separate rooms, and it helped tremendously. Naps and nighttime both went MUCH better. But it would be nice to have a playroom too, unless they have a lot of toys in their bedrooms and they play there.
I have a 3 bedroom house and 3 girls. I had the older two in one room and the baby in another...they so wanted to be together. So we gave it to them. Sometimes they ask for space but mostly they love rubbing along together and we have a craft room...
Until she desperately demands a room of her own because they driver her crazy stick em together, heck, I say put them ALL together but I'm not quite normal I fear.
I have 2 older sisters, the middle one and I had to share a room for a long time. Some of my best memories from childhood are the nights we stayed up giggling and then getting in trouble by our parents he he. I think keepng them together then when the older one asks for explore seperate rooms :)thanks for the hugs ...Right back at you! Thrilled you found a home!
Our kids have shared a room until just recently. I have two girls and a boy. My son is always asking to sleep in the girls' room. He totally loves the company. And I love the closeness they all have. Here's my theory - never(with the occasional exception) for the rest of your life, will you EVER get space all to yourself. In college, you get roomates b/c you're too poor. When you're married, you have to clean up his socks. And then kids come and you can't even potty alone. So, basically, why get used to it now. ;)
I think sharing a room is sweet and will only create wonderful memories. I shared a room almost my entire time at home with my parents. I look back on it with fond memories. It wasn't always easy but it taught me a lot of life lessons too!
I had my own room (being the oldest of three girls) and am closer to each of my sisters than they are each other (so far in life...the youngest is still in college). But with that said, I would still keep them in the same room. I think so many special memories can be made that way! If we had a large enough bedroom, I would consider putting all three of our boys in one room. The twins will always have to share a room (in this house anyway).
Yeah!!! A House!! I am soo happy for you guys!!
Have them share a room! 3 of our boys are in a room and its great (someday it will be four and I KNOW Ella will be sad when she is too old to share with a boy...)
plus, playrooms are GOOD
(did you ever get my email? I have been praying!)
Kate, I would have them continue to share & use the spare room as the playroom. As others before have said, they'll change soon enough..... you'll know.
Fantastic that you have the options. In my house, even though we are renovating no-one gets a new room. Our four smallest ones will share until the biggies move out!
No "spare" rooms at our house for many years to come ;)
I am so excited to read so many people encouraging you to keep the girls together. Yes. So much of our society says, "everyone needs their own space".
We have 13 children. We've done more bedroom shuffles than I can keep track of (due to big kids moving out, and then returning home). Our young adult "kids" are glad that they shared rooms. They have such close bonds. We have many times had 3 or 4 children per bedroom, and these are NOT large bedrooms.
Playrooms are a HUGE blessing. So, have fun making it CUTE.
Oh ... one more thing ... I was saddened by a couple of comments:
"it won't be long before she'll be begging for her own room"
"let Ella decide"
"until she desperately demands a room of her own"
I don't believe this is a decision for such a young child. It impacts everyone. If having a playroom would be best for the 4 younger girls (which I believe it would), than how can you allow a 5 year old to make the decision that would take away that option for the other girls?
And ... if my child "begs" or "desperately demands" ... they are certainly NOT going to get their way. We have placed children into room-sharing situations that were not what they would have desired, and the results have been very beneficial to the relationships. You're the parent ... you get to decide what is best for the WHOLE family.
When my kids "got older" they did NOT want their own rooms. We had 3 teen girls in a room for many years and they LOVED the late night giggle time. Now, they live across the world from each other, but their early bonding keeps them close.
mama of 13
My sister and I shared a room until we were about 8 and 10, and then we started getting on each other's nerves... my parents rearranged the bedrooms (we have two brothers too), so that we could have our own rooms, and then we had a great time having "sleepovers" often, but getting our own space when we needed it... (we have been best friends nearly our whole lives :-)
i love the comments about trying out different things or waiting til she's a little older...
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