They did a lot of this - I'm pretty sure they know every detail of each others face now :).

Enjoy your day!
.....and please know, that I would never, ever, let my children drink the water spraying out of the fountains. That would be unacceptable behavior, and who knows where that water has been -- on second thought, whatever keeps them busy.....
On a totally different note, I'm looking for some new activities for the girls. Stuff we can do at the park, games we can play. Oh, and crafts we can do at home, at the kitchen table. I figure if we keep it at the table at home, it is an easy clean up for a last minute showing :). Anyone have some ideas or activities that your kids love?? I would love to hear about them!
This was kind of a random post, but hey, we lead kind of a random life right now :).
Happy Thursday!
...enjoying some quite afternoons...
and remembering that,
...simple really is better...
Thanks so much for your emails and encouraging comments, they were so appreciated!
That has been my day for the past 10 days. Up early in the morning, packing bags for the day, making sure the house is clean before we leave, swim team, swim suits, sunscreen, feeding babies, lunch, park, the list goes on...and is usually a list I enjoy. For the most part, I am very calm even in the middle of fits and meltdowns. Not because I have a lot of patience necessarily, but because I feel there is no benefit to me and the children melting down. I truly believe when the mom starts to let loose, it sets the whole situation on fire.
She keeps them close by though. You aren't a true swimmer without your pink, Speedo goggles...or so she thinks :).
.....and she has apparently taken up synchronized swimming as well.....
.....one thing is for sure, she means business when it comes to keeping these goggles on at all times, and sometimes that means not knowing which toy is which because they are completely fogged up.....