Oh it's back to school time. We've been to the pool a bajillion times, we've cruised the aisles of Target looking for goggles and dive sticks to replace the ones we've lost, and we've worn our flip flops till they don't flop anymore.
Have I ever mentioned that sometimes I wear flip flops well into November?
Don't judge me.
But now it's time to get out there with my older 3 specifically to get some new kicks for Fall, and let me just say that taking them all shoe shopping is definitely fun but also can be...well...exhausting.
The good news though is that we all love crocs, you might remember that sometimes we lead a very rough, non-relaxing life while we wear them...
I think that picture is the definition of relaxing, wouldn't ya say??
The two things I look for in shoes for the kiddos is that they last a long time, and if possible, they can slip on. Slip ons are a gift to a busy mom. In this house you only get shoes with laces if you can tie them yourself - sorry, but it's a time issue my friends. If I'm running behind, I need the girls to be able to pop their shoes on quickly.
Tying to many shoes can make a person crazy, laces do that to me.
When I find a good deal or a clearance aisle with mary jane/slip on shoes, I try to find sizes we can use or might need in the near furure. I have also been known to buy Crocs at the end of the season for the next year to help save money. They are durable, and our girls have actually passed them down to each other which helps us in the financial department. Shoes are just to expensive to be replacing them every 2 months with 6 kids, so ones that last are a good buy for us.
So anyway, we're off today to start shopping for the coming school year. If you see us in the shoe store and the kiddos are pulling off all the shoes from all those tiny little shelves, just look the other way...or send over some starbucks and chocolate, I'll need it.
You can watch the Crocs Back To School video below and get clicky to find some good deals on some cute kicks!
Have a great weekend!!
Hehe - my strategy: I pick up clearance shoes at Target for $3.48. All year, every size, every style, as long as I like them. That way, it is a VERY rare occasion that I find myself without the appropriate shoes for size/season/occasion.
I do that A LOT too - Target always has those cute canvas mary jane shoes and I love them for the girls!
We love Crocs in our family. This summer I even found some great Crocs for me...feminine, light, super comfie and slip on! Yay! The kids loved the video...over and over while I made pancakes this a.m.
we love crocs around here too! I couldn't wear them while pregnant though cause they would catch on the carpet or tile and i'd trip! I'm a clutz! :)
Have you ever been to the croc outlet? I get mine there!
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