Too Cute...

Oh my, I was so thankful for your views and thoughts on Trick or Treating - I love hearing others think about these type of topics.
So - For the record, we do let the girls Trick or Treat, and plan on doing it this year as well. I do avoid really scary things when we are out, and I do explain how we might take part in the festivities a little differently than a lot of other people.
I totally respect every ones personal decision for their family, I think everyone needs to follow their convictions - and I understand why people don't take part, and ignore it completely.
But for us, I personally feel like it is a great way to get out in our community, and really meet our neighbors. They see that we don't go to the extreme, that we have different boundaries for our kids, and I think that's important. I am really passionate about our family being Light in the dark...not just Light in the light. I want them to be able to tell non-believers about our faith - at school, at the park, at church, and yes, possibly on Halloween.
For now, since our girls are young, they think of this time as just "Fall Fun." (However this year has brought more explaining and talking with Ella, which I expected.) And as they grow, we will continue to explain and talk through the acceptable and unacceptable events that this "holiday" brings. Oh, and since we trick or treat...
...expect some pics of tutu's :).
In other news, our 4th born is a little under the weather... Sweet Kinley has come down with a case of the Croup :(. I hate hearing that "barky" little cough - it makes me want to just rock her for the rest of the night.
Oh Fall - You have fulfilled your many promises this season.
We have ate a lot of Pumpkin...or maybe it was just me that ate a lot of Pumpkin.
And we have made some fun memories...
Like last night when Daddy was able to break away from work for a hayride with his lovelies :). Along with a huge group from the girls school...
You know what happens when two 3yr olds dangle their favorite Princess Dolls over the backyard fence??
C'mon, take a guess...
Yep, the neighbors stinkin' dog bites Sleeping Beauty's head off...
It wasn't pretty.
So Ella and I came up with a plan...
And she ended up saving the day...and saving Sleeping Beauty...
I'm in the middle of the store...OK, Target...I was in Target again, alright!!
I'm waiting on a prescription, the babies still have a colds, I'm laughing at some hilarious texts from one of my favorite girlfriends, and when we left the house this morning, it looked like I had shoved every single piece of clothing we have into the washer - and then it exploded...all over the front room...and I really mean that, the news should be called.
Anyway, I'm prying boxes of medicine out of my 3yr olds hands when my phone rings - it's the realtor.
Realtor: Hi! The Appraiser is in your neighborhood, and wants to know if he can just stop by real quick and do the appraisal.
Me: What?! I'm not even home, and seriously, the house is not fit for company. And the laundry...oh my word, there is an insane amount of clothes on the couch. Can't he do it tomorrow - not that I'll have it cleaned by tomorrow. But seriously, I have 5 small children - people can't just stop by...these things need to be scheduled!
Realtor: Oh don't worry, he won't be looking at that kind of stuff...just the structure, etc.
Me: Well I promise you he will indeed be looking at that kind of stuff, wondering how one family could acquire that much laundry. Let me call my husband.
While explaining to Eric, my other line rings - it's the realtor again.
Realtor: Ummm, the Appraiser is in your home, and your house alarm is going off.
Me: He's there? I don't know what to tell you, I am in the middle of a store with 4 of my girls and I can't come home. This should have been scheduled & I could've been prepared! Then he wouldn't be in the middle of our little house wondering what he should do about the alarm. Our code is *****.
My other line rings again...
Me: Hello?
Lady: Ma'am this is Security System, we are calling to let you know your alarm is going off, and emergency crews have been dispatched - help is on the way.
Me: Emergency crews?? Hmmm, well, let me know what you find!
(Girls, put the medicine down!! Do not touch! On second thought, give me the pain killers, mommy feels a headache coming on...)
Maybe next time they will schedule the appointment - they don't expect to come into this house and have a relaxing, uneventful time, do they??!
So not only did the Appraiser get a look at the laundry madness, so did some of our local emergency crews I guess. Sigh...
I felt like pushing one of those Customer Service buttons and asking them to help me find my sanity.Oh well, it's a crazy life. And with these little sweeties, there is never a dull moment :)!
Which is good - I actually prefer crazy over dull :).
Hope you all are having a great week! We have a lot sickness going around where we live - Are you all staying healthy??
Alright, alright...I have been slacking a little on blogging - I need to get my behind back in gear!!
Today we took our 5 little loves to the local Pumpkin Patch/Farm. Seriously...plop me down in the middle of a Farmers Market with tons of Fall colors and yummy homemade treats, and I am one happy girl. But maybe I shouldn't be "plopped" down right next to the bakery display know, because of the whole "lack of self control" issue. Anyway...
We had a great time!
The homemade honey, jams, candy, salsa, oh my!
I should be crazy with all our moving plans and deadlines...
But actually, I am pre-occupied with these crazy stripe pants for the babies.
I love them...and want to buy 20 know, if money grew on trees.
I should be cleaning out closets and boxing up decorations...
But at the moment, I am just enjoying every moment we have left in our little house...and am actually going to get all our Fall decorations out - why not??
I should be stressed out about finding a new home...
But instead I am loving the fact that our closing has been pushed back to Nov. 19th instead of Oct. 30th. So we won't move till Dec 3rd-ish.
I should be taking a break from my photography...
But I am having to much fun playing with my new lens, and for me, photography is the perfect therapy.
I should be folding the 5 loads of laundry that are sitting in the living room...
But it's so much easier to just let it sit there and play peek-a-boo with my babes.
I should be laughing about Ella telling me that "lash blast" would make my eyelashes bigger...
But instead I want to throw our TV through the front window.
I should be packing these items away...
But I just want to relax, take some fun pics, and pretend that we don't have a chaotic move ahead.
Ok, I guess I should start boxing some things up...
But where do I even begin!?!?
I mean, are there even words to describe this level of sweetness??
Oh Kinley, you are one precious little love.
Little Raya...
I know your intentions are good...
You want to play with just your toys...But you can't resist, can you?
You wedge yourself between your favorite toy and the crib...
And you knock over the humidifier...again!! Oh sweetie, mommy knows your little plan - but with a chubby little face like yours, it's hard to be mad :)!
These Christmas PJ's are a size 12-18mo, and the girls are clearly on the Fast Track to 18-24mo.
So I needed to pull these Holiday Jammies out so we could get some good use out of them, right!?
I have gotten a little behind on blogging....
Really behind on laundry...
And I have been getting out our Fall/Winter clothes...
I have been going overboard with pumpkin recipes...
Shamefully buying Pumpkin Peeps...
Loving the cool air...
And continuing to wear my flip flops, even though its only 50 degrees.
I have been learning and listening - 2 things I need to do more often. I actually think God has moved my seat to the front of the classroom in case I couldn't hear from the back...where I tend to stand when I know He is always right, and I am always...stubborn.
I have been taking lots of pictures...
And trying to plan a 1st birthday party for these little loves...
Oh me, oh my.
In a chaotic moment in our chaotic life, Reese got her hand shut in the bathroom door...
Or should I say, I shut her small, chubby, cute little hand in the bathroom door - it's so hard to keep track of where all 10 sweet hands are at any given moment.
Sigh. The good news is that the Dr.'s think there is only a tiny fracture in one of her fingers...AKA, not a huge deal.
I felt sooo bad.
Anyone else want to share some of your, not-so "Mother of the Year" moments??