Saying that I love my "pajamas" is a total understatement. I often refer to them as "lounge pants & my favorite sweatshirt." It sounds better.
Why would I need to make it sound better? Why would I need to justify these clothes? Because I change into them everytime we return home. Give me my black yoga pants and my old high school sweatshirt, and I am one happy lady. Call it crazy, call it insane, call it whatever.
I like to call it, wonderful.
I admit (because the truth will set you free), that there have been times when I have to think for a few minutes, "what are the chances of running into someone at Kroger in my flannel pajama pants...and how much would I care at this point??"
In the land of spitup, babyfood making, diaper changing, applesauce dodging, kid chasing, and floor scrubbing (you know, if I actually scrubbed my floors) - Lounge clothes (you see how I use that term, sounds better, huh?) are just practical. It is a running joke in the house to see how long it will take for me to change clothes after we walk through the door.
Roughly 30 seconds on a slow day.
Anyway, I didn't think much of it until this situation surfaced:
Monday, August 31, 2009
Well That Backfired
Friday, August 28, 2009
It's Time, Baby.
Or should I say, "It's time, little girl."
I knew it was coming. I knew you were ready. And I knew that that you were excited.
What I didn't know, was that I would see 5 years flash right before my eyes as I watched you walk into your classroom in your little uniform and amazingly cute button knee highs. Wasn't it just yesterday that God gave you to us?
And wasn't it just a minute ago when you were standing at your 1st birthday party doing animal sounds for everyone?
My mothers voice saying: "before you know it, she'll be starting School...", rings so loud in my ears today.

If you need me - I'll be in the car, trying to pull myself together :).
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Rundown
...1 busy season...
...2 little girls that will start preschool in 2 weeks...
...1 little girl that starts Kindergarten this week...
...1 mama who can not believe it...
...2 babies that will be getting some 1 on 1 time w/ mom 2 mornings a week. Well, 2 on 1 time, oh you get the point...
...1 school picnic missed this weekend...
...due to an accident in the middle of a restaurant yesterday...
...Reese & Eric in the ER for stitches and a concussion...
...that is 1 long story...
...1 mom who feels like our life is in "crazy mode"...
...and I'm wondering if anyone else feels like that!?...
...1 blog that is suffering due to this busy season :)...
...lots of pics that I want to share...
...1 "mom break" tonight for a photography class and appetizers with friends...
...a new Red Bean & Chick Pea Chili recipe cooking in the crock pot - that smells delicious...
...and 3 loads of laundry that I guess aren't going to fold themselves :)...
So how was your weekend?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sweet Feet Friday
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
You Can't Fence Time
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Passin' The Junk

So tomorrow morning I am hoping that I have 5 healthy, happy little girls ready to face the day, and enjoy our last week of summer. I know I'm ready to get back to our normal routine!
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sweet Sitting Sisters
I can't get enough of this picture - I had to share real quick.
That look on Raya's face says something like, "Are you seriously touching me again?? I love ya, but could you give me a little space?!"
Hope you all are having a good Friday!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Destination Unknown
Oh the last weeks of summer. A lot of our summer activities have wrapped up, and the girls are a little tired of our regular spots. So lately, I have been packing them in the car and heading out w/ no definite destination in mind.
Crazy? Maybe.
But it's been fun! It gets us all out of the house, gets us some fresh air, and we have ended up finding some new places to explore! On occasion, we end up doing some interesting things...Like finding new places for pictures...
Pretty cool, huh? Ella is always my willing photography helper - love that girl. Not sure if it is an ideal location for kiddos (they might be to little), but it would be fun for couples and such.

Today we also ended up stopping by a random park. They played a little, but then we all crumbled under the heat & humidity. You know when kids get real hot and start to melt down?? That was me. There is nothing cool (and when I say cool, I'm talking about temperature - because obviously if I was talking style...then I am clearly cool. What? I'm in denial? Anyway...) about carrying a park blanket, pushing a stroller, and hauling my heavy baby backpack around in this heat.
I can do hot - but I don't do really hot. Unless we're at the pool, and even that is questionable sometimes.
So anyway, on the way home, the younger girls feel asleep in the car, and I decided to drive around a bit more and enjoy the peace & quite - and the air conditioning.
I came across this graffiti wall, and decided to get a few more pics. I love "downtown/city pictures", so graffiti walls are right up my alley.

Today we might hang around the house. I need to do a deep cleaning on the car before the school year hits. And believe me, the car has taken a beating this summer - we have ran a lot of errands - so who knows what I will find under those seats!
Happy Thursday, all!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Purple Applesauce

So, that is what we have been up to. What have you been up to?!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Enlighten Me...
Also, I have a burning question that begs to be answered...
Do you Twitter?
I set up an account a while ago, but have never committed to it. But lately, I am thinking about giving it a go. It looks like fun :). Sooo...will you share? Do you Twitter??
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I've Been Thinking know, when I get a chance to think ;)...

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Germs? What Germs?
Alright, alright...sometimes, possibly, maybe, those things do happen in our neck of the woods. And it is also possible that instead of stopping them, I might grab my camera and take a picture.
So Sue Me.
We're building immunities over here, people!
After all, I can't chase them all down with a bottle of Lysol for the rest of their playground years.
Well, I could. But I'm pretty sure the other moms would stop speaking to me.
So we'll just lean back, relax, and let the sun's warmth hit our face...we'll worry about the germs later, I guess!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!