Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's The Small Things
Monday, March 23, 2009
II Corinthians 4:17
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Manic Monday
Is the weekend over already!? We're off to another busy week.
Back to preschool.
Back to my feet hitting the floor at 6am.
Back to terrorizing Target while we wait on Ella to be done with school.
Back to Starbucks for some re-fueling....mmmm, Starbucks.
Back to laundry, dishes, and more laundry.
Back to the job I love :). (not that there is ever a break from this job!)
And back to potty training...wait, back up...did I say potty training?
Oh that's right, I promised that I would start to train the older twins when spring break starts, which is the end of this week, gulp!
How do you think savvy little women #2 and #3 will adjust without diapers? We will have to wait and see I guess. I can't imagine that I will have anything interesting to write about as we start into this adventure. :) I can just see myself sitting on the side of the tub feeding the babies and waiting for Reese & Charlotte to get their business done.
Pray and fast please...OK you don't have to fast, that's a little over the top I guess.
Wish me luck! Happy Monday!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Weathering A Tantrum
Monday, March 16, 2009
Folding, Baby Food, Patience, And A License
Head on over and check them out!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Makin' Some Baby Food
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Wordless Wednesday...Kinda
We had a great night last night. It is always so nice to sit and talk without interruption! We came home to 5 sleeping little girls, 2 worn out grandparents :), and a 1 quiet house. I was telling Eric how I feel that I have so much to be thankful for this birthday (except the whole being one year older thing..haha). It has been a year of struggles, and a year of many celebrations for us. I feel now, that I know the Lord in a different way...in a deeper way...which I am so completely grateful for. I know I've said it before, but it is shocking what a difference just one year can make!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thank You, No Really, I Needed That.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Spring Is In The Air
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Good Question!
For the record, no, I'm not offended that you would ask. I am actually so glad you did! That is always the concern on every ones mind when you find out you are about to get thrown into a large family. And remember, we are a big family, not a huge family, I get a lot of encouragement and ideas from women who have twice as many children as I do, and I love reading about how they financially manage a huge family. It is strapping for us right now because of diapers, checkups, new little clothes every 3 months :), etc. It's sooo normal to question how you will do it. Let me, let you, in on the way our family is managing the many needs of our 5 young children.
We are your typical young family. We live in a normal home, drive less than new cars, and I am a crazy, relentless, deal finder. I am your mix of loving cute clothes, but love finding them at kids rummage sales, and on clearence racks. We save any way we can. We don't go on huge family vacations, I don't drive that brand new SUV that I love, and I really do love, love, love a good sale. Now don't get me wrong, I do splurge once in a while on certain things. I love me some babyGap for my girls, and I am a huge believer in the "perfect jeans." I will pay the extra dollar for the perfect pair. Oh, and shoes. There is nothing like a great pair of stilettos with the perfect pair of jeans. Anyway, on with the budget stuff.
Eric has a good job, and is a very dedicated worker. He works hard to provide & meet the needs of our growing family. Seriously, I feel like any company would be lucky to have him. He has a vision for our family, and wants the best for his girls...and for that, I am forever thankful. Sorry, had to brag on dad a bit. We "make it" because we make it work. Sure, we may not go on those fancy vacations, I don't buy memberships to amusement parks or zoos, but my girls spend day in and day out with their mama, and there is nothing that will ever replace that. Will they remember seeing giraffes at the zoo, or being able to stay in their pj's all day, running through the kitchen playing "red light, green light"? I can't even tell you how many days we have "vegged out", and watched Cinderella while I cleaned the house and folded laundry. These are the days that every parent talks about. The days that will be "gone before you know it."
Would another income help this growing family? Heck yes it would. Would we be able to do more, join more, buy more? For sure. But is it worth my children being in someone else's care, where that person would watch the "firsts" that I am supposed to be there for? Absolutely, positively not. I would never, ever, for anything, miss this sweet time that I have with my girls. I can work later, they are little now.
So how do we afford it? We just do. It is expensive, but God provides, and He knew the plan before we did...what a relief that is. I am forever thankful for God's blessings in our lives...and I know that God never intended for every season of our life to be simple and easy. Praise The Lord for His Sovereign planning. Embrace what He is doing, even if it isn't easy...it is always for a reason. Our Jesus is loving and comforting, He knows the plans He has for us...and our many small kiddos...
Oh, and again, I am truly the queen of run-on sentences...oh well.