Kinley, Raylin and I were playing "catch up" on some sleep when this picture was taken. I fell asleep while cuddling with them on the couch. I can't get enough of their sweetness, they are too precious. Life around here has been a little chaotic, but we all are adjusting well to our new life as a family of 7. The older girls were a little overwhelmed the first day I think, but they are doing great now and absolutely adore these 2 new little girls.
I have more pics to come, I just need to find the time to go through them and get them downloaded. Thanks again for all the comments & emails, we appreciate all the encouragement and support during this exciting season. Hope you all are doing well!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Simply Can't Get Enough
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
And Then There Were 5!

Friday, November 14, 2008
This Sunday Is The Day!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sooooo Close.....
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
This & That
It has been a pretty eventful week since last Tuesday. On Tuesday night I had a "Girls Night Out Baby Shower." It was fabulous. My family and friends way out did themselves. I am so very thankful to have women in my life that care as much as these ladies do. I haven't been doing to much lately due to the fact that I am so extremely tired, and the more I do, the worse the contractions get. We are so unbelievably close, and we are trying to hang on till 37 weeks.
I can't even put into words how excited I am to meet these new babies. All I can think about is what they will look like, how much they will weigh, what will 5 that are 4 and under be like, etc. etc. Oh how I worry about them. We have been working on their room, or should I say Eric has been working on their room, and trying to get all our last minute things done. Now I need to wash some of these sweet little clothes....and maybe I should go ahead and pack my hospital bag :) :). At my appointment this week my Dr. said I have gone through a growth spurt. I was 35 weeks and measuring 47/48 weeks!! That's how big I was when I delivered Reese & Charlotte. I will hopefully be posting a 36 week twin baby belly pic on prepared, I'm not exactly small.
Ella had a little field trip to a local Pumpkin Patch with her Preschool. Obviously daddy had to go on the hayride since I am a little pregnant....I don't even know how they would've gotten me on and off that wagon, but anyway. The girls also had a blast on Halloween, they loved trick or treating. Here are some pics from our busy week.