Tuesday, October 28, 2008
34 Week Twin Baby Belly

Monday, October 27, 2008
It's Official
Well, like the title says, it's official, nothing fits.
And when I say nothing, that includes my socks. :) :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I Had Good Intentions
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Little Girls & Fangs

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Getting Ready For 5
We have been working a lot over the past week to make room for these sweet, new babies. I guess I thought it would be a little easier than it's been :). We currently only have 3 bedrooms until we find a new home for our growing family. Which means that Ella, Reese & Charlotte will be sharing a room....moving Ella in with the twins was a little crazy.
We had some tears, and a lot of questions, but in the end everyone was ok! The first night was a little wild, but tonight is the 2nd night, and they did great. Although instead of going right to sleep, we are hearing a lot of little giggles in there, which I have to admit, fills my heart.
I will say it again, we are about to have 5 girls that are 4 & under!! I still can't believe it sometimes, it seems surreal. But then I feel some kicks and a couple contractions, and reality sets back in. Wow, life will be a little wild for a bit, but oh are we excited. I get nervous about it sometimes, but I am ready, I think :). I keep looking at these little sleepers & clothes, and I just can't wait to meet these girls. They are going to be too sweet.
I have been having a lot more contractions and have been put on some meds to calm them down a bit. Everything is fine, just a little preterm labor. We still plan on making it another 3-4 weeks, hopefully. Ooohhhh, I can't wait to kiss their little faces!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
The New Mr. & Mrs. And One Cute Flower Girl
Friday, October 10, 2008
Mom Is Walking Down The Aisle
My mom is getting married tomorrow!! We are so excited for her & Bob. They are such a sweet couple and I don't know anyone who deserves this day more than my mom. She is truly an amazing woman. We are so happy to have Bob join the family, and are so thankful that he and my mom found each other. So in honor of the wedding, Oct. 11th, here is a list of the top 11 things I love most about my mom.
1. She is the strongest woman I know. I pray that I have the same strength and courage for my family that she had for us.
2. She is a giver. Not only to people she loves, but also to people she barely knows.
3. Speaking of giving, she not only donates clothes to Goodwill, but also to the local Elsa's as well.
4. Ladies nights at Elsa's and Brio's Patio. Enough said.
5. We pretty much know exactly what the other is thinking without even saying anything, and it's usually funny.
6. She is an amazing listener. I can't even count the times that I have cried and talked while she just listened. I can't even imagine what I would do without her there to talk to.
7. She loves our girls as if they were her own. It is unconditional. And our girls cherish her, when Grandma is around, not much else matters.
8. She is the true definition of a mother. There is nothing she hasn't, or wouldn't do for my brothers and I. She has always been there for us, and has always stood by us, no matter what. She is always there to guide and support, and has been the "glue" that held us together.
9. Even though some people might call it stalking, she's doesn't mind that I call her like 100 times a day.
10. Her hilarious sense of humor. I have laughed till I cried countless times with her. Like recently when I was trying to fit my swollen feet into wedding shoes at David's Bridal...not ideal, but really, really funny.
11. She has not only been an amazing mother my whole life, but my best friend. The woman I can confide in, and laugh with. The woman I look up to.
Congrats Mom! I love you!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Does anyone know of any night time kids devotionals that you would recommend? We are looking for a new one for Ella (4.5), and just wondering which ones you all really like. I would love some suggestions. Thanks!!