Updated to say...
I've thought about this, and I hope I didn't deal with it in the wrong way. The comment(s) were hurtful. Any mother's feathers would be ruffled when you feel like your mothering skills and/or your family was being attacked. BUT, I do want this blog to be honoring to the Lord, and maybe sometimes that means I need to just turn the other cheek when people don't have nice things to say.
I'm workin' on that :).
I really want to give you all the
biggest hug for your encouragement and your sweet-make-me-laugh comments - you know the ones where you hug someone and just shake 'em with love? Yea,
that kind of hug.
There's no such thing as the perfect mom, that's why we kinda need to stick together and uplift one another. Being a mom is a rough job, we need each other :).
Original Post...
I really don't even want to take the time to address this, but seriously, I just felt like I should. This blog is a journal of our fun, loving, crazy, and yes, growing family. I love sharing the ends and outs of life with you ladies (and maybe some men?), it's a gigantic blessing in my life.
You're never going to come here and not get reality, because I don't want to look back in 10 years and say to myself, "wow, I wish I would have documented how our life
really was...the good, the bad, and the crazy...instead of trying to pretend to be something we're not."
If you're coming here to find the perfect mom who has all the answers and whose kids are always perfect and well behaved, you've come to the wrong place...
cause she ain't here.
Hopefully what you'll always find here are lighthearted, funny, might-as-well-laugh-at-your-situation, real stories and tales of our family. Knowing how to determine between what is meant to be funny and what is meant to be serious is a must around this place.
Sarcasm, I've got it,
and I use it.
I usually ignore and/or delete useless comments, but when this hormone charged pregnant lady got this one, I was a tad frustrated...
Anonymous said...
"our walmart has them, too...and our target..bt my 31-months old twins have not gotten near it at all. why? because i control them. because they are in the shopping cart or a stroller...that's why. it is not the norm, if you will, to have two sets of twins, a singelton, and be pregnant, too..that's a lot of kids, with all due respect. it is your choice, of course, but you have to think that people will always pay a lot of attention to you and will say things. i have twins and even with just one set, we get a lot of attention.
i do think that kids need to learn how to behave in public. of course, OF COURSE, you will have an outing with tantrums when they are 2-4 years old...but...come on...how do you think that you will have any time to teach any of them any behaviour if you simply can't do that because of the number of children you have??? maybe 6 kids will teach you the lesson and you will stop making more babies!"
(insert me taking a deep breath in...and trying not to breath fire out.)
Each to their own I always say, and not every family is cut out to be a big family. Just have the amount of kids you think God wants for your family, and for what you personally think you can handle. But leave the judgements and assumptions to yourself.
That's why it's so stinkin' hard for women to get a long these days, everyone is so busy comparing and passing judgment. Goodness, enough is enough!
And just for the record, in my defense - I do have control, my children do listen, and the fact that my kids have pulled a few to many balls from that stupid display doesn't say anything about the "behavior" that I'm teaching them. We're not perfect. I do the best I can to teach my kiddos how to treat other people with kindness, to not pass judgment, to love each other, to love the Lord, and to have fun while doing it.
And it appears that they are turning out to be pretty sweet little girls.
SO, now that that's out of the way, the majority of you will be happy to know that I had a Dr's appointment this morning and there is a little boy coming very, very soon :).
I can't even tell you how excited we are, and how beyond blessed we already feel by adding this little guy! I will post before we head to the hospital, I'm hoping to get another belly pic in here at some point.
Can you believe it's almost time :)!?