Monday, April 25, 2011

Back In The Swing Of Things

1. We are home, and have been since Friday afternoon. Leaving the hospital is sometimes emotional, I just love those nurses...and that button on the side of the bed that sends whatever you need at any hour.

2. Life is, as expected, a little crazy...but a lot of wonderful.

3. The girls are adjusting well. They have rough moments, but in general are doing great. And like I predicted, always wanting to hold Lincoln...they basically stand in line.

4. I am feeling pretty good. I quickly learned that recovery may be a bit more bumpy this time around since I'm trying to adjust to this I-have-a-half-dozen-kids gig.

5. I'm looking for our new normal, hopefully it will show up soon :).

(and hopefully it will bring a Tall Mocha with a double shot of espresso from Starbucks.)

(I'd be ok if it brought a cleaning fairy as well.)

6. I have yet to take a ton of pictures because it's hard to take pictures of Lincoln when I rarely put him down :). But here is one of daddy and his new little man...

7. I had this thing over the weekend, I like to refer to it as "engorgement-palooza". Sweet mercy, I have never had anything like this happen when my milk came in, the swelling was like something off of the Discovery Health channel. Is that to much information for a Monday morning? Sorry.

8. Rest assured that things are flowing well thanks to some ice packs, cabbage leaves, and an amazing lactation lady from the hospital. Lincoln is now eating like a champ. Again, possibly to much info.

9. I had some questions about what our C name was - it was Colson. We tossed it around, never felt real attached to it, and finally left it high and dry when Lincoln came along. And his middle name is Lynch, it's a family name.

10. And yes, he has peed on me, once. :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Great to catch up with your news.....

    I'm still searching for that "Hi I have half a dozen children NORMAL" thing...... and my babies are 2!! haha

    good to hear the feeding is going well.... your body probably thought it needed to feed twins again.

    is it REALLY different having "just" one?????

    I have so many questions..... xxxxx

  2. too funny! I think engorgement is one of the things i dread the most! So painful! Glad you got a bit of relief.

  3. Thanks for #10! I love a good laugh in the morning. I'm glad to know that you are surviving and enjoying your time with him.
    Take it easy Kate!

  4. I am glad you are adjusting, I'm sure it does take time to find a new normal.. as does anything when changes happen.

    I love the name, so unique!

  5. Oh that picture is precious! So happy for your family!
    I also just realized I have forgotten all the little details that go into nursing a baby...I hope I'm up for this! Keep sharing "too much", it's really helpful! Glad things are going well!

  6. While I like Colson, I REALLY like Lincoln Lynch...a lot :) I'm so glad that you all are so happy! And the engorgement makes me laugh because I'm already leaking (at 7mo pregnant) and when I told that to my OBGYN at my appt last week he said, oh that's probably just a little early milk and I said there's a LOT for it to be "early" milk...I showed him and guess what? I was right...he used some kind of term, but let's just say that I could nurse right now and be JUST I understand what you're saying!

    Enjoy those newborn snuggles :)

  7. I am just so happy for you!! Cute photo of baby and daddy. So glad things are going well for you.

  8. ohh i love colson!

  9. Since you clearly have lots of free time on your hands right now, can I please request a real picture of Lincoln on the side of your blog instead of his ultrasound pic? :) I can't get enough of that sweet little face!

  10. Oh WOW! Congratulations! I haven't been on my computer for a week, so I wasn't sure if you'd had your baby yet. But I WAS thinking about you, and wondering...!!! So happy for all of you guys!

    P.S. Skip the tall and go for a venti.

  11. I miss you and want to meet Lincoln soon. Maybe end of the week I could stop by and bring you a starbucks?

  12. Here's to a new normal! Glad everyone's doing well!

  13. Yay!! Glad to hear you are adjusting well. -- Minus the engorgement. Hot showers are wonderful!

    Can't wait for the pics.
