Wednesday, April 27, 2011

40 Week Baby Boy Bump

Today was my actual due date, so I couldn't help myself but to do a different kind of "baby bump" pic.

I thought I loved my bump last week, but oh am I SO in love with it this week...

probably because he's on the outside now instead of the inside :)...

(maybe he's not completely on my belly as much as my chest, but in my sling he's much lower.)

(and speaking of chest's, he had a hard time eating I blamed myself...and then I cried. But last night he did much better...and I was so happy...and then I cried again.)

(so basically, I guess crying is how I react to things right now.)

(I'm a big 'ol hormonal roller coaster. Get in line, it's fun!)

Consider me taking a picture of myself 8 days postpartum as a sign of how much I love you ladies. We are friends forever now, there's no turning back.

We might as well set up a coffee date where we can talk about belly binders, net underwear, and engorgement.


SO...I'm off to the store with my mom and the kiddos, I still can't drive for another week. 

I figure I'll take someone with me now for assistance while I figure out the logistics of taking 6 kiddos out to run errands. That way by next week, I'll be a pro at it.

Haha...a pro...who knows what shes doing...yea right.

Oh well, who has time right now to figure it all out when you have this little face to stare at??


Sigh...I love that little man. :)


  1. So sweet! Still almost can't believe I'm hearing you talk about your little man. So happy for you. You look amazing and he is just precious. <3

  2. He is adorable!! His name fits him so well! :) you make me want to go through it all over again...not sure my hubby will agree on that! ;)

  3. he is awesome. and now i want one.

  4. Gosh, he is so stinking cute!
    Oh, and knit underwear are the best! I wish I has some now!

  5. Best baby bump there is!

    And oh do I hate those post delivery days....

  6. Everytime I was a crier. So stinkin' emotional. The highs, the lows, I would cry and be laughing saying, "Why am I crying?" But life settles into a rountine and we all find our rhythm. Good luck. Go easy... go easy on yourself too.

  7. Thank you for these pictures of your new little one; they remind me what my "prize" is for "running this race." Morning sickness? Ha!! How about all day.

  8. I LOVE that baby bump too! And I can't imagine trying to run errands and not just spending all day staring at that cute little face :) But, I guess you will eventually need groceries...and the bills probably do need to be paid...oh well, such is life. But at least you have six adorable little blessings to spend it with :)

  9. LOVE it! You look amazing and that sweet baby boy is just precious!

  10. Friends forever...well that was easy :)
    LOVE the "outside" baby bump!! Cannot WAIT any longer to see MORE pics of that sweet boy.

  11. You look fantastic Kate! And little Lincoln is adorable. I'm so happy for you!

  12. OH, I can't handle it. Jeremy gets home tonight....maybe tomorrow I can stop over all by myself?! I could bring chipotle or something for you all.

  13. love it! beautiful.

    i am sure all the girls are head over heels in love with their baby brother....


  14. Oh, he's so cute and you look beautiful!

  15. What a cute baby bump on the outside! Gets me excited to have another soon! :)

    Thinking of you!

  16. I still can't believe you take ALL your kids out with you! I never take all my kids out. (Well, rarely.) I always wait until hubby gets home from work. You are totally supermom in my book!

  17. He is so precious and just the epitome of sweetness!! And you, my dear, look fabulous!

  18. Well, I don't know what the girls looked like as babies BUT,to me, he sure has a boy look!

  19. Kate he is just so adorable! That bump looks good on you :)

  20. Isn't it SO different having a little boy after all girls? I never realized I would love it so much! I love the "belly bump" picture! And of course the sweet little boy pic too. :-)

    You look great, btw! Have fun enjoying your sweet little man!

  21. Awww. So sweet.
