Updated to say...
I've thought about this, and I hope I didn't deal with it in the wrong way. The comment(s) were hurtful. Any mother's feathers would be ruffled when you feel like your mothering skills and/or your family was being attacked. BUT, I do want this blog to be honoring to the Lord, and maybe sometimes that means I need to just turn the other cheek when people don't have nice things to say. I'm workin' on that :).
I really want to give you all the biggest hug for your encouragement and your sweet-make-me-laugh comments - you know the ones where you hug someone and just shake 'em with love? Yea, that kind of hug.
There's no such thing as the perfect mom, that's why we kinda need to stick together and uplift one another. Being a mom is a rough job, we need each other :).
Original Post...
I really don't even want to take the time to address this, but seriously, I just felt like I should. This blog is a journal of our fun, loving, crazy, and yes, growing family. I love sharing the ends and outs of life with you ladies (and maybe some men?), it's a gigantic blessing in my life.
You're never going to come here and not get reality, because I don't want to look back in 10 years and say to myself, "wow, I wish I would have documented how our life really was...the good, the bad, and the crazy...instead of trying to pretend to be something we're not."
If you're coming here to find the perfect mom who has all the answers and whose kids are always perfect and well behaved, you've come to the wrong place...cause she ain't here.
Hopefully what you'll always find here are lighthearted, funny, might-as-well-laugh-at-your-situation, real stories and tales of our family. Knowing how to determine between what is meant to be funny and what is meant to be serious is a must around this place.
Sarcasm, I've got it, and I use it.
I usually ignore and/or delete useless comments, but when this hormone charged pregnant lady got this one, I was a tad frustrated...
Anonymous said...
"our walmart has them, too...and our target..bt my 31-months old twins have not gotten near it at all. why? because i control them. because they are in the shopping cart or a stroller...that's why. it is not the norm, if you will, to have two sets of twins, a singelton, and be pregnant, too..that's a lot of kids, with all due respect. it is your choice, of course, but you have to think that people will always pay a lot of attention to you and will say things. i have twins and even with just one set, we get a lot of attention.
i do think that kids need to learn how to behave in public. of course, OF COURSE, you will have an outing with tantrums when they are 2-4 years old...but...come on...how do you think that you will have any time to teach any of them any behaviour if you simply can't do that because of the number of children you have??? maybe 6 kids will teach you the lesson and you will stop making more babies!"
(insert me taking a deep breath in...and trying not to breath fire out.)
Each to their own I always say, and not every family is cut out to be a big family. Just have the amount of kids you think God wants for your family, and for what you personally think you can handle. But leave the judgements and assumptions to yourself.
That's why it's so stinkin' hard for women to get a long these days, everyone is so busy comparing and passing judgment. Goodness, enough is enough!
And just for the record, in my defense - I do have control, my children do listen, and the fact that my kids have pulled a few to many balls from that stupid display doesn't say anything about the "behavior" that I'm teaching them. We're not perfect. I do the best I can to teach my kiddos how to treat other people with kindness, to not pass judgment, to love each other, to love the Lord, and to have fun while doing it.
And it appears that they are turning out to be pretty sweet little girls.
SO, now that that's out of the way, the majority of you will be happy to know that I had a Dr's appointment this morning and there is a little boy coming very, very soon :).
I can't even tell you how excited we are, and how beyond blessed we already feel by adding this little guy! I will post before we head to the hospital, I'm hoping to get another belly pic in here at some point.
Can you believe it's almost time :)!?
Just the fact that people take the time to write such condescending comments makes me angry. And if I'd wrote something like that on a woman's blog, I would choose to be "anonymous" too because that's rude and not anyone's place to say.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog:)
I am an "anonymous" reader. I read this blog every day because frankly it's better than the news. Real life every day. Thank you for the ups the downs and sometimes the inevitable. I adore your pictures because you have so much talent. I enjoy your ranting because it's so real. Thank you for giving a voice to many of the same feelings I have. I am truly grateful you share. Keep up the great blog! Good Luck with the new baby boy...I have 4 and they each love "their mama" in a way that is so genuine and sweet. I'm sorry for other people and their mean, ugle comments.
ReplyDeleteOH MY WORD >>>>> Must be hard to be so perfect; thank God the rest of us live in reality!
ReplyDeleteYou just keep being awesome you Kate with your awesome almost 6 babies!
Can't wait for baby news! :)
I've been a longtime believer that people who criticize moms of many kids are, in fact, envious that she is handling/coping with something that they themselves couldn't dream of being able to manage! I'm not a mom of many yet--I hope to be--but I wouldn't be so bold as to just assume that I'll be able to do it, much less that I'll be able to do it any better than anyone else! Keep doing what you're doing. And keep blogging about it! (For the record, if all your blog posts said 'my kids are perfectly behaved all the time'...I'm pretty sure no one would want to read it!!)
ReplyDeleteAnd as Bobby McCaughey once said (mom of the first surviving septuplets), 'to the people who say I shouldn't have had these babies, why don't you come on over to my house and tell me which {of these beautiful little people) I shouldn't have'
Wow, that's just ridiculously rude! I hope they read this post and read all the comments...
excited for you!!!
Seriously?? You know your a great mom, (and a fabulous blog writer!), and those who have had the priveledge to be around your girls know that they are the sweetest little ladies around.
ReplyDeleteSorry that person upset you, but be encouraged that there are lots of us out there who love to read your honest and funny posts. Keep up the great work!
haha... i feel sorry for 'anonymous's' children. those are probably the kids I see and feel bad for... wish I could scoop them up and take them away just to do one ounce of FUN.
ReplyDeleteControl... or DICTATOR... hmmmm... sounds a bit like ENVY and JEALOUSY shining through??
You keep on keepin on. Bring that little man here and teach him to ignore those cruel people! Be bigger, better, and prouder then they!
Wow. Its a good thing they commented annonymously - I think all your followers would have visited their blog and had words for them!
ReplyDeleteI've only been following your blog for a couple of months but I think you are totally awesome! I love how real and honest your blog is. I'm not a mom yet, but reading your blog and some of the other "mom" blogs gives me an understanding of the ups and downs of mommyhood. Thanks for being so honest and sharing your beautiful family with all of us. Congrats on baby boy!
Kate, you should completely ignore that rude and unnecessary comment. How dare someone, who has never met you, make such critical comments about your family and your parenting?! I've known you for 20 years, and I've spent LOTS of time with you and your lovely little girls. In doing so, I've witnessed your amazing mothering skills firsthand and seen how happy, funny, caring, loving, and just plain sweet ALL of your little ladies are. They are absolutely a joy to be around!
ReplyDeleteHaving grown up in a family with 6 kids, I absolutely understand and can relate to the joys of big families. Sure, we were loud and unruly at times, but we had a blast during our childhoods and each one of my siblings has grown into a wonderful adult. I would hate to imagine a life without any of them, just as you would hate to imagine a life without any of your little blessings.
I would also like to point out something that I always thought was obvious, but maybe it needs to be said--you are HILARIOUS! You are one of the funniest people I know, and that is what makes your blog so popular. Readers come back for a good laugh. That's why you include the funny, crazy stories about your girls. If you wrote a post about how lovely the girls were in their strollers and cart at Target, I doubt you'd have very many followers. OF COURSE your girls are well-behaved often. OF COURSE you teach them proper behaviors. OF COURSE you discipline them when needed. But do you really need to put all of that in your blog posts in order to avoid nasty, judgmental comments? No way!
Keep on parenting your sweet little ones just the way you do, and continue to let them explore, have fun, and feel loved. And, while you're at it, keep teaching them that it is wrong to judge other people!! All families are different, and I think you should have as many kids as you and your husband want. I am so excited about your little guy and cannot wait to meet him in a few days!!
Love you!
My 4 boys and 1 girl are all almost grown up now (youngest is in college). When I have the opportunity to share with young moms, I always just ask that they show grace to one another. Grace. Given to us, to show to others. Just grace. Love your blog, and reading about your precious (fun!) family.
ReplyDeleteOk , that made me a little upset. All I have to say is wait til her perfect well behaved twins are TEENAGERS! kARMA.This is real life and I love your blog because you are honest, funny andjust REAL. forget that anonymous person...she isn't in reality. :)
ReplyDeleteHow RUDE! I LOVE your blog and LOVE that you have a large family! I hope someday I am blessed with a large family of my own. Several of my church friends have large families of 6+ children and I have experienced what a blessing they are. On the other hand I've had to hear all of the rude comments by other people when they announce that another sweet baby is joining their family. It simply infuriates me! What makes a child less "precious" because it has 4, 5, or even 6 siblings! Absolutely nothing! A child is precious no matter what size family they enter. And the families I know with several children have just as much if not more control over their children than the ones with 1 or 2! Few things get my feathers ruffled like comments about "too many" children! I'd just like to ask "miss annoymous" which of her children she could live without?!
ReplyDelete"I'd just like to ask "miss annoymous" which of her children she could live without?!"
ReplyDeletei would not want to live without neither of my children. i never said i would.
it is the people themselves that control the amount of children that will have, or how many pregnancies they want, rather. you cannot control the amount of kids per pregnancy- heck, i have my gorgeous twins, i could not control the amount of eggs fertilized in the cycle- but i can control to have more or not have more.
i never said that she should get rid of any of her kids! simply, why get pregnant over and over again and bring mor kids into this world when one already has 5 so close in age and well, from the sounds of it, not the best behaved kids in the world, when it comes to public behaviour. of course they are not well-behaved- i know how much work it is to have twins behave- they feed off of each other and the more kids there are in the mix, the crazier the situation. again, why have so many that one cannot go on a normal outing and not have people stare for the wrong reasons?
so, no, i would not want to live without my twins and i never suggested that she choose, either..but if you choose to have so many pregnancies, you will get the looks and the stares and the comments in public. you will...
yes, she is funny and very real-life, i like that, too...and i simply made a real-life comment about a real-life situation that she describes over and over and over...it's not the stores' fault-okydoky?
I love your blog and check it every day for new posts! I would love for you to follow my blog about me and my two sets of multiples and a single! It's called: www.mayhemwithmultiples.blogspot.com
What rubbish!!!! You are a wonderful mother. You do better with your 5 than I do with my 2. I dislike this anonymous negative Nelly. Hopefully she will get over whatever issues she has and become a positive Polly!
ReplyDeleteUgh! What a B! Sorry, but seriously!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see pics of your sweet boy! I know your girls are going to love him up!
ReplyDeleteThat's why I don't allow "anonymous" to comment over at my place. Some women can get pretty wicked when they are allowed to hide behind an "anonymous" label.
Love your blog.
Love your stories.
Love your humor.
Love your sweet sarcasm.
Love your beautiful ladies,
and can't wait to "meet" your little guy.
Keep sharing your life with us, and don't worry about the judgment from anonymous. She obviously has a few "issues" in her life.
Just so you know ... I think your family is MUCH TOO SMALL. Come on, get with it, why are you only having 1 this time, instead of 2 again. Slowin' down in your "old age".
I would welcome "anonymous" to hop on over to my place and challenge me on my family size ... but she'd have to come out from hiding behind her anonymous label.
Love ya! Can't wait to hear that you are on your way to meet the little guy.
Laurel :)
Love this: "I do the best I can to teach my kiddos how to treat other people with kindness, to not pass judgment, to love each other, to love the Lord, and to have fun while doing it."
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should give her some pointers on how to do that! Since she didn't mind giving you "advice", I'm sure she'll be open to your suggestions. :-)
And? I'm guessing her kids aren't as perfect as she thinks they are.
Oops! That last comment was me. I guess I shouldn't try to type while holding a baby. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Anon would lecture me on that.
ReplyDeleteAs some one who runs an entire Target store I get to see parenting first hand every day by that ball bin. The kids in the cart are dropping popcorn all over the floor as they are screaming and spilling slurpee on each other. Deep breath. None of us are perfect, including her. Thanks for keeping it real and loving Target!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the audacity she had to lecture you not on the way you raise you children but on the sheer number of children you have! Who's right is it to pass judgment on her fellow woman? We all have the RIGHT to make our own choices, be it having no children or having 20. If you choose to have a billion children and you have the means necessary to support them, I say GO FOR IT! Try to ignore the ignorance and hate out there. If she really had such wonderful little angels, why isn't she spending time with them instead of bashing other people's life choices behind her Anonymous mask.
ReplyDeleteConcentrate on that marvelous little bundle coming your way soon! Can't wait to "meet" him!
Kind of rude but you take it with such stride. I find your posts amusing and full of spirit. To each their own and if you don't like you don't have to read it.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is... wow!
ReplyDeleteLove ya. Don't worry about people who like to comment but don't want to do it openly and constructively.
Oh, girl. So much craziness out there - it amazes me the gall some people have to say something like that. Love you girl. :) Can't wait to "meet" that baby boy.
ReplyDeleteOh, that really ticked me off. I love your girls. They are fun, delightful and a joy to be around. I'm sure "the boy" will be the same :).
ReplyDeleteTarget loves your girls and looks forward to seeing you. Your readers all know about the blanket, right?? I don't think they would have done that if they thought you had children who didn't behave or lacked self-control.
I love their sweet hugs and good manners.
Seriously....anonymous needs to get a grip. Don't pay any attention to it.
I get those comments too. Gotta love 'em, right? I think big families are a blessing. Not everyone sees it that way, of course. You are one blessed mama though. I KNOW that. :)
ReplyDeleteMy heart sank when I saw the title of your post. I am so excited to read "the news" - how could anybody be that mean-spirited? In one ear and out the other. Just know that all the rest of us in blogland think your family is adorable!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous---what a coward!!!!! Hope you're reading all these nasty comments about you--Anonymous!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh - what ignorance. I will bite my tongue and not go off about why people like this that feel free to comment on people's family size need to grow up. Your family is beautiful and I agree with the posters who say keep em coming. We have 5 and I hope to have a few more before we're done with childbearing. Children are ALWAYS a blessing from God - whether they are #2 or #10.
ReplyDeleteAnd beyond that they are KIDS. Not adults. They should be loved for that and not pressured to always be perfect. I feel bad for the children of "anonymous" if she feels they are perfect. That's very hard to live up to.
And for the comment that more children must equal more chaos when going out, that's simply not true. We often get stares at our large family and people comment all the time how well behaved the children are. Please do NOT make generalizations based on something you have no experience with. Come back and talk to me if you have 5 or more children. Until then everything you say is simply assumptions (and faulty ones at that.)
ReplyDeletei just started reading your blog. I do not have twins, but will have irish twins (2 babes in one year) this coming September. When the Lord blesses you with multiples or babes really close together, He knows you have a great sense of humor to laugh at the ridiculous things that happen. You have to laugh to survive! I don't know you or your babes, but you sound like a great mom! Who cares if your kids get into the balls once in a while! Elenore Roosevelt said it perfectly "Well behaved women rarely make history"
ReplyDeleteKate, I LOVE your blog and I love how "real" it is. You see people on blogs and facebook writing about how wonderful, perfect, etc. their life is...like they NEVER have a bad day...that just isn't normal. lol.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy each post and get a laugh or two from your stories b/c I can totally relate!
Keep up the good work!! Love ya girl!
Well, you already know how I feel about the anonymous comment. Quite shocked by the mean spirited nature of some people in the world. But, obviously (by viewing your comments) there are many, many women who know you and love and value the mom that you are. You are a GREAT mom! I have seen you parent your kids first hand and they are absolutely far from out of control. In fact they are extremely well-behaved, sweet girls. And the target workers definitely have a special love for your family...I've also seen that first hand.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about the post regarding the balls (and so many of your posts) is that you have the ability to identify with every mom and you give moms the grace to be okay with not having it all together.....mothering is a very humbling task. I adore big families and think every child should be celebrated. I would never say to someone that I am shocked they only had 1 or 2 kids....even though we have chosen to have more than that. Somehow people are quick to offer the shocked opinion to large families, but it is rare when families are judged for having a small family. Keep writing and being who you are! And GET EXCITED for this sweet boy's arrival!!!! Love you, friend!
Kate, I'm so sorry you have to deal with crazy people like that. Just chalk it up to ignorance and her not knowing the real you. I love your blog and your sweet family and all the craziness that goes along with your life. Most of us who comment here can relate or just feel encouraged to know we are not alone in the trials of motherhood. Keep on blogging and keep on making those babies!
ReplyDeleteOH MY! Ha, I have learned that people who feel the need to be judgmental and obviously have the "perfect little twins" are probably lying.
ReplyDeleteNever let anyone tell you that you have too many kids.. but you know that, you know that each one is a blessing and wanted and you know you are a great mom and have time for each one... some people who can't be a great mom to a larger family assume others can't either, but thats not true! :)
Love ya girl! Praying for new baby boy!
Wow, just wow! And she had the audacity to leave another comment. Apparently she must not have read the memo that she has pounded into her childrens head about good behavior. Saying rude things to other people is horrible behavior! I think I will take my kids pulling balls out of a display any day over them calling other people names. If you can't say anything nice to someone don't say anything at all.
ReplyDeleteDuuude, "anonymous" just won't stop! Seriously. I have three kiddos that obey awesomely in stores (because we've trained them) and they still go for those crazy balls! It's just magnetic! I thought your letter was hilarious and wondered how long it would be until Target contacted you for their PR department!
ReplyDeleteAND...by the way...sometimes you can have a pregnancy that you didn't choose or plan, but boy, are we going to love this little surprise #4! God has ways higher than our ways and plans greater than our plans! I'm glad He's got a sovereign plan that won't ever spin out of control...
I absolutely love your blog and check it everyday for new posts! I have just started my own blog about my journey with motherhood to 7-year old twins, 4-year triplets, and a single as a single mother. I would love for you to follow my blog, http://www.mayhemwithmultiples.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHope to see you there!
WOW. Just...wow. Deep breaths...I would have to say I think that mean anonymous comments from adults who should know better is FAR worse than a kid who pulls a ball out of a display...
ReplyDeleteLove you. Love the blog. Thank you for the humor and the sarcasm amidst the honesty. I need the humorous reality you share with us all.
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys.
The. nerve. Actually, I call it "keyboard courage" because I'm fairly sure people wouldn't have the guts to say some of those very same things to our face, but feel justified in hiding behind a keyboard and computer screen. I just cannot imagine why someone with your obviously warm heart and love for your children would be a target for that kind of comment. I believe you have dealt with all things in grace, and I respect you even more for that!
ReplyDeleteSo, according to Anonymous, you need to control your children better AND you should control the number of children you have and she feels like you've had enough (according to HER standars). Anyone that critical, judgmental and condemning isn't worth another ounce of your brain space. So sorry you had to deal with that... and so close to the end of your pregnancy (extra rude)! Anonymous needs to learn a lesson in grace, and respect for other peoples' decisions.
ReplyDeleteI have no words. I mean I do but seriously Jesus is tapping me on the shoulder right now and telling me to "love thy neighbor." Ugh, it's hard not to say what I have no words for...but I better not because the tapping is starting to feel like a poke a very sharp poke.
Oh how I love mean Anonymous comments too because people who like to give their (often mean spirited) opinions on how we love and raise our children really just want to help us right? and the best way to do that would be to insult us and not have the nerve to put a name or blog to it right? hehe.
ReplyDeleteKate you and your blog and your girls (yes ALL of them) are just beautiful.
I'm sending you some good luck hugs for baby boys birth across the miles.
Oh, Kate! What awful, judgmental, unsensitive, ungodly words to throw at you. I'm sorry!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the reality you bring to the blog world. I LOVE your stories, I LOVE your big family, and I think you're a fantastic mom. I'd even call you "supermom" if you'd let me!=) I'm glad you don't pretend your kids are perfect all the time, because then I'd feel like trash.
Keep up the great work! Love and hugs... waiting to hear about the BOY'S ARRIVAL!
I can't believe someone would have the nerve to write a comment like that. You are an amazing mom, you are real, and that is why I read. Plus, I believe every child is a blessing from the Lord. He has called each one of us to a different number of children and given each of us the ability to parent the little ones He has blessed us with. Chin up! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you had such a mean comment! Some people!