Monday, April 18, 2011

Delivery Eve

Well, it looks like it's time to bring this babe into our family!

I am not making much progress on my own (and apparently my uterus isn't what it once was), so I have a c-section scheduled for tomorrow morning at 7am.

I'm a little nervous.

Alright I guess that depends on when you ask, cause this morning when I was wide awake at 4am I was really nervous.

Yep, I've already had 2 c-sections before.

And yep, for some reason I'm being a much bigger wimp this time around.

But he's more than worth it and the fact that we will be holding our little boy this time tomorrow makes me want to run outside and do cartwheels in the front yard at almost 40 weeks pregnant!

(we really like our neighbors though, so I won't make a scene like that.)

Eric has been making me laugh because he all the sudden has this "it still could be a girl" feeling in the back of his mind.

Which would be fine. But I saw the ultrasound :).

I'm trying to get last minute things done today - like laundry, the store, and packing our hospital bag. I would like the house to be perfect when we leave tomorrow...but I'm not holding to tightly to that!

We have to be at the hospital at 5am, which means we will need to get up at 3am - I'm hoping that we get some sleep...but I'm sure we can rest a bit after the delivery...or maybe I'll just stare at his sweet little newborn face instead :).

I will be updating twitter when I can (on my sidebar)...probably not a lot, but most likely to at least say "He's here! Pictures and details coming asap...".

Sooo, that's about it. I would love for you to pray for a safe and healthy delivery, and that my recovery would go smoothly and quickly :)!

I'll be posting soon! Happy Monday, friends!


  1. Praying for a safe delivery! Bet you can't wait to see your little boy! Thinking of you and looking forward to hearing the good news. :)

  2. So excited and happy for you and your family today!! What a beautiful day it will be. Praying for a safe delivery and speedy recovery! I can't wait to see pictures!

  3. I'm so excited for you! I will send up a prayer for safety and a speedy recovery!

  4. I'm thrilled for you, friend, and will definitely be praying for you!

    (Also, tell Eric I totally get where he's coming from. The VERY FIRST thing I asked once I'd pushed Quinn out was, "Is it a girl?! Is it a girl?!")

  5. OH YAY! I'm so excited! And there is absolutely NO WAY I would be able to sleep tonight :)

    I'll keep you in my prayers tomorrow morning and can't wait to see pictures and find out his name!

  6. how exciting! Praying for a safe delivery!

  7. I'm so excited for you! I've been wondering all weekend what was happening....

    Can't wait to see the pics!

  8. Hooray! I'll be praying for you and baby that all goes well!

    Can't wait to see what you name him and what his stats are. ;-)

  9. Ugh! Those way-too-early morning times. But when you can't sleep anyway, what does it really matter? How about if I pray that you spontaneously go into labor this afternoon so you don't need the c-section?

  10. SO SO SO excited for your family!!! Cannot wait to see that sweet BOY!

  11. Eeee!! I'm so excited for you! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and positive energy for a safe and sound c-section and a happy healthy baby!

  12. How exciting! Break out the Benedryl tonight! LOL Can't wait to read your post all about his arrival.

  13. can't wait to see pictures! you're going to do great :)

  14. So thrilled for you! Praying, praying for a smooth delivery and calm and peaceful mama.

  15. So excited for you! Try not to worry--my third section was the easiest to recover from--it is just more scary before because you know what is coming. I pray all goes smoothly!

  16. Oh I'm such a soppy gal..... Your impending delivery has brought tears to my eyes. Happy days Kate, all the very best.
    You are joining a very *special club..... Mothers of a half dozen! Haha..... Ok, so in the club is just me but I'd love a friend.....x

    Can't wait to meet your little man.... I have a very soft spot for boys :)

  17. Oh, so close! I'm so excited for you and hope all goes well! I will be checking your blog, so post an update soon!

  18. Praying for a safe delivery! So excited for you to welcome this sweet little boy & share him with us!

  19. Ahh! I might be just a little bit jealous that you'll be holding your precious baby boy by this time tomorrow. :) I will be thinking of you and praying for a healthy, safe delivery.

  20. Cannot wait to hear of the news tomorrow morning of this sweet, long-awaited baby boy! I am praying for you friend and trusting God for His faithful provision in the delivery!

    Love you!

  21. sending lots of prayers your way!

  22. Kate my God be with you tonight, tomorrow and during recovery and beyond. May he bless the hands of your doctors and nurses. That your care while in the hospital is filled with love and peace. That your girls have a spirit of cooperation during your healing and that Eric gets that wonderful first gaze at his new best friend! Amen!

  23. ps. God please bless this little boy (whom I am anxiously awaiting the announcement of and name of) with a safe birth and a wonderful life.

  24. Praying for you Kate, and also for your delivery and an easy recovery. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little boy!

  25. I'm sure it will go well and you'll be up nursing your little boy at 2am like I am before you know it :)Praying for a smooth delivery and recovery!

  26. I'm sure it will go well and you'll be up nursing your little boy at 2am like I am before you know it :)Praying for a smooth delivery and recovery!

  27. Praying that you have a safe birth. Can't wait to see that little man of yours.

  28. How exciting! Hope everything went as planned this morning and that you're holding your precious baby boy. Can't wait to see pics.

  29. Saw that he is HERE!!! Congratulations - can't wait to "meet" him!

    Much love to you and the family!!

  30. Prayers and best wishes for a safe delivery, and congrats on the new little one!
