Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And Then There Were 6

Meet the new man in my life, Lincoln...

 Lincoln was born at 7:39am on April 19th, weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces, and is 21 inches long.

Oh, and he is just the sweetest little thing. This mama is definitely hooked.

I'm typing with one hand and holding him with the other.

He. Smells. So. Good.

After searching for and finally choosing a C name, we came across the name Lincoln a few weeks ago and never looked back.

He was without a doubt, the missing Linc to our family. :)

We are so, so thankful for him. And Eric? Well, let's just say he's a pretty proud daddy right now :).

So I'm off for now to feed him and get some more snuggles. I'll be back soon with more pictures!


  1. Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable and I love the name Lincoln :) Does he have a middle name? And out of interest what c name did you choose?


  2. Oh my! He is just a blessing! Congrats to you and yours! I love the name Lincoln!

  3. What a beautiful baby! I'm so happy for you!

  4. Oh he is just adorable! I could eat him up with a spoon :)

    And I LOVE the name Lincoln! What a sweet name! Enjoy those snuggles and congratulations :)

  5. Yay a picture! He looks amazing. I was shocked at the non-C name but you wouldn't be Kate without a surprise ending. Love it! Hope you all are doing well.

  6. Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations!!! He is precious!

  7. HE'S SO CUTE!! Congrats!

  8. Oh my goodness...he is absolutely adorable. I LOVE his name!! Congratulations!!!!!

  9. Congrats to you and your husband! He is absolutely adorable!

  10. Laila would have been a Lincoln if she'd have had the male parts - so needless to say I LOVE the name! What a precious little guy. Congratulations!

  11. Oh, he's perfect! Has he peed on you yet??? What a beautiful name too. I can't wait to see pictures of him with the ladies. Take care! And CONGRATULATIONS!

  12. Congratulations! He is beautiful.

  13. Love the name, he is absolutely beautiful! :) Making me more excited for my little one in a few months :) You enjoy those sweet snuggles and baby smell! :)

  14. I thought you were close to delivery, so wanted to pop on and check, but yippee a baby!!!! :-)

    Congratulations, Kate and family!! What a blessing! For obvious reasons, I love his name! ;0 Enjoy your first days with little Linc!

  15. Congratulations, he's AMAZING!!!!! Gibson was soooo close to being Lincoln so we LOVE the name. :)

  16. Oh how fun! Congratulations on your little man!

  17. I get caught up and slip in my blog reading and look what happens. I am deliriously happy for you and your family! He is wicked cute and the name is rather....perfect.

    Rae Ann

  18. He is so precious!!! I love the name. Infact we love it so much we wanted that for C's name had she been a boy. We felt like Travis was perfect for when he came as it was my maiden name. But for a third or fourth if we should be so lucky...that's my name.
    I am so glad you have a new man in your life...truly a little boy in a mama's heart will never leave it the same. Hugs, ML

  19. Oh goodness, he is cute as can be! So happy for you all!

  20. Congratulations!!!

    I am so happy to see a healthy, adorable baby boy is in your life!

    Good name. ;-)

  21. OH, big hugs and congratulations! I want to snuggle his little fuzzy head -- which is to say: he's perfect :)

    Enjoy him, and I hope you're recovering well!

  22. He is so beautiful!! Congratulations!!! Love the name too.

  23. Absolutely PRECIOUS!! Welcome to the world sweet Lincoln, God placed you in a wonderful family!

  24. Kate he is beautiful and I love that name. He has the Savvy Girls cheeks! Congratulations for you all!

  25. Congratulations! Beautiful name, beautiful boy:) Enjoy every moment momma:)

  26. Love that picture of him! Such a sweet snuggle bug!

  27. Sweet boy!!! Such a cute little man - so precious.

    Looking forward to more pics. How are you doing?

  28. Kate, I am soooo happy and excited for you! Wish I was close enough to lend a hand. Cant wait to see more pictures and hear the stories! Hope your hospital stay with one precious baby is like a vacation :) by the way, I feel pretty out of the loop, but I thought your response to the anon comment was right om! You are am amazing mama, that's for sure!!!! Hang in there friend!!!


    Oh my word. Where's my thermometer? I think I have some sort of fever. ;)

  30. YEA!


    So excited for you and your family.

    LOVE the name!!!

    :) :) :)

  31. Such a sweet picture! Cannot wait to see him in person. SO thankful he arrived safely....and you know I love the name! Enjoy snuggling that little one!

  32. Congrats! He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see more pictures and to see how excited the girls are!!

  33. Congrats to you and your hubby!! What a SWEET picture of Lincoln! Enjoy your snuggle time with him.

  34. So much for Eric's "It could still be a girl." He's a nice size and very much has that BOY look.

  35. He's beautiful, Kate! Congrats to your family and enjoy the first few days - and I wish you at least an hour of sleep!

  36. He is gorgeous! Congratulations! Love the name.

  37. He is perfect! Congrats! I can only hope that one day I will have a baby as perfect as little Lincoln! (i'm only 15 so I have a while :))

  38. Congratulations! He is beautiful! I love the name Lincoln! Enjoy the snuggles :)

  39. Oh! Is it weird to say I wish this picture was scratch and sniff? There's nothing like the smell of a brand new baby {well...ok...after they clean them up a little ;) } Inhale deeply for me :)

  40. Congratulations!!! What a beautiful little boy! Praise God that he is healthy and you are too. Enjoy this special Easter with your new blessing.

  41. Oh Kate!! I am SO SO SO excited for you! Welcome to the land of boys. Its loud and messy and completely wonderful =)

    He is gorgeous...

    and I have to say that I am SO glad that YOU having six doesn't make me consider having 6 =)

  42. Congratulations!! He is beautiful. :D

  43. may i ask what the c name was?

  44. Congrats! Sorry I missed your announcement! SO happy for you!!
