I am trying, I promise, to move on from this miscarriage. I did something stupid today, I took another pregnancy test - just to see if all the hormones were out of my system. It would give me some closure to see a negative test, right?
Wrong.It was actually still positive. 2 lines, but no healthy pregnancy growing inside.
I swear,
I'm trying.I don't like being sad, I don't like admitting that I'm frustrated, and I don't like acting out of it...
But it's hard. And please believe me, I know we have been immensly blessed - those 5 little loves are like oxygen. We are very blessed,
I know. I think the fact that 2 months ago I told anyone who would listen that we were done having kids, at least I was 90% sure, and that I had things I wanted to pursue - and I was ready to just be Kate for awhile - now all that non sense chatter just makes it worse. It's funny how I
thought I knew what I wanted.
I had a plan,
I had an agenda, I had things
I wanted to do.
But that was the problem, see? I need to do what God's wants for our family - to be who He is calling us to be.
God has a plan,
God has an agenda, and
God has things He wants me to do. Not the other way around.
That is a hard, but freeing lesson. I was focused on me, I need to be focused on Him.
Does God have plans for us to be a bigger family than we are?
I don't know. But I do know that I want to be the family God wants us to be, period.
(not long ago I read an amazing post by
Annie about
The Bend. She is truly brilliant, you should follow her blog. I am encouraged by you, girl. Thanks SO much for writing for Him!)
He's bending me. I know it. The bend is always a learning experience - not always bad, just hard. It's the highest point of tension in your current stage of life - the point where you feel something has to break...something has got to give...something is about to happen to make things clearer, easier, better.
I see the bend in so many friends. It's in our family, in people soaked in ministry, in couples in the midst of adoption, people looking for jobs, marriages seeking counseling, and mom's who just don't know how to parent that 1 child - the one who pushes you further than the rest. The bend is everywhere.
But the break is near. Relief of some sort is coming. Good or Bad. I know, because He takes care of His children. He knows what is best.
The bend may not always be pretty, but it's always real. I think the bend , even though tough right now, is a blessing.
I needed the bend, but I'm looking forward to the break.