Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Seriously...

Love you, ladies...

I do. Seriously.

You're the best.

I know it's sappy, but it's SO true...

I love ya just as much as Raya loves her own cup of Ice Water...

And she really loves her own cup...

Your encouragement and amazingly sweet words have blessed my heart more than you'll ever know. I am SO thankful for you all.

I pray that I can somehow, at some point, encourage each of you like you've encouraged me this week.

You're the greatest. For real. :)


  1. Awww. You're a great person and I love you too. Thank you for sharing with us your words and feelings. It's never easy to put yourself out there and then when you get a positive response it's only confirms that you made the right decision. Prayers for you.

  2. I didn't get to respond on the last post but have been thinking of you often since I read your sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  3. Still thinking of you... We're all here to listen if you need it. Enjoy your weekend spending time with your hubby and sweet girls!

  4. Aww. What adorable pictures. She's so cute!
    And what a wonderful post!

  5. Love you too, friend! Hope it's a restful weekend filled with precious family time. And absolutely adorable pics. Funny how much kids love drinking from a big soft drink cup!

  6. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I read the entire thing last night to my husband...out loud. We laughed a lot!!! You also have one amazing all your pics. I started a blog, inspired by yours, but I might just stick with FB because...well, I'm already addicted to it and I can't see having one more addiction. Your family is gorgeous! Have a great weekend.

  7. we love you, too. for sharing your life...full of ups and downs...with us. text me anytime!!

  8. No, YOU'RE the greatest! :)

    Love those pics of smiling Raya. That's a much better look than the crying, unhappy face she gets when I come near her! Haha...that girl sure makes me work hard for the smiles I DO get from her! If only she weren't so obsessed with her mama...
