Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm Seeing Silly Bandz In My Sleep

They're everywhere...

Anyone else?


  1. Okay, I'm just gonna come right out and say it...

    I've never seen these before! What in the world are they? Just bracelets in shapes?

    But now I'll keep my eyes out for those little buggers :)

  2. oh good gollys! i totally hear ya. our boys have even gotten me in on the trading. i simply mentioned that i liked a flower that our oldest had. so shockingly he gave it to me for a kiss. so surprised!

  3. oh girl...i just got finished giving yet another "the next silly band i find on the floor is going in the trash!" speech. and yep, ours love to dangle them from the light switches, too. grr. i'm SO over silly bandz. at least it's an inexpensive fad, though. it could be worse, i suppose.

  4. Right there with ya....Rowan even gave two of them to our high school babysitter at her graduation party last week...not sure she's as crazed about them as my kids. ;)

  5. Oh my goodness, I wondered what the heck those things were. My BFF's daughter and her little friend had them playing with them and I forgot to ask her what in the world they were. They're interesting!

  6. Wow! I'm a loser! I thought Silly Bandz were...band-aids! My kids told me they wanted to buy some, but I told them we already had tons of band-aids at home! No wonder they looked at me like I was off my rocker!
    They are cute! I think we'll try to find some for vacation!

  7. We don't have any of those but the picture of them on your girls wrist reminds me of the madonna/cindi lauper phase in the 80's with the bracelets.

  8. I have those stupid bracelets all over my car! My little cousins leave them everywhere...I'm ready for the next fad to come along :)

  9. My little guy is still too small to wear them (6mths) but all of his cousins love them and have them halfway up their arms.
    They are kinda cute.

  10. I've never seen them....they're cute though!

  11. Never heard of such a thing (or seen them). Guess they haven't hit the Pacific NW yet.

    :) :) :)

  12. My hubby got some for our kids months ago, and they've never played with them other than the one time. I had NO idea (as he) that they were so popular! :) Wonder what we could get for ours with trading?! ;) I was just going to throw them in the trash, but if you want them, what's your addy!!! ;)
