Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finding Our Groove

Our Summer groove, that is. It always takes us a few days to get into a new routine, but I think everyone is enjoying this new summer schedule...

It's still business as usual around here...

Lot's of girls, lot's of laughing, and lot's of crazy :)...

We've spent most of our week outside, the girls love it...

Kinley now waits for me at the edge of the porch when we're out back cause she doesn't like walking in the wet grass. Cute, huh?

I've been letting the girls pitch in around the house a little - they think it's cool. Although sometimes it doesn't go exactly as planned, like when I asked them to take 1 roll of toilet paper to their bathroom, and later found this instead...

1, or 7, whatever is fine as long as they're trying, right? :)

Raya is following me around all day saying, "up, up, up , up. mom-mom, mom-mom." Melts my heart...

I realized this week that I should start buying Popsicles in bulk...

They loovve their Popsicles :)...

And we even pulled out the good ol' sprinkler. I'm always amazed at what a hit it is - they ran through it all afternoon...

So now we are off to the pool for the day - for the 1st time this summer. Here's hoping for a sunny day!

Hope you all are having a great week!


  1. Sounds like fun! Mine have been hiding inside building forts and wrestling. They say it is too hot to go outside. We have not yet been to the pool but are dying to go! No sprinkler here but we do have a toddler size pool.

  2. I love the first pic of Kinley... that look on her face! :) And BTW, CUTE shower curtain! :)

  3. Kinley waiting for you is too cute. Love those summery pics!!

  4. love the TP stack. Your little girls are over achiever :)

  5. I love that picture of Kinley! And hey, at least you won't run out of TP in that bathroom for awhile :)

  6. Yay for summer! Loving that sweet picture of Kinley :)

  7. Yes! I'm glad you posted the pic of Kinley AND the one of Raya, too. Thanks! :)

    I love the toilet paper incident. They are learning early that it is easier to make one trip now than seven different trips over time. I'd say that's pretty smart!

  8. Looks like SO much fun!

    I'm always tempted to do things around the house myself...but I know it's good to let them help, even though I end up cleaning up after them sometimes...!

  9. Cute girls! They even make toilet paper look cute!
    I just started making our own Popsicle! The kids are in Popsicle heaven!

  10. Now I know I shop at Target too much. Its sad when I can recognize a toothbrush holder and soap dispenser on you bath counter. I love that set. I wanted it in blue but they were always out of stock.
    Enjoy the beginning of summer and getting your groove back! :)
