Friday, June 4, 2010

Cathedral Gray

I love that color.

And I loovve that our new place is finally coming together. This "fixer upper" is almost, well, completely fixed up :).

I got a few questions about that "tan" color from my previous basement picture. The thing is, it's not really tan, it's gray - Cathedral Gray to be exact. Shooting without my flash in low lighting makes color's look a little different. (you know I rarely use my flash, right?) So here are some pics of the basement with my flash on so you can see that color better. It is by far, one of my favorite colors we've ever used...

And here is a glimpse of where we eat...

where the girls play school...

And where they play Dress- Up...

They loovve those little mirrors - a total hit.

Well, I'm off to get some little girls to bed. We have a pretty full weekend ahead, and a little girl who is turning 6 tomorrow :)(party next weekend). Mama CAN'T believe it!

Hope you all had a great week!


  1. What great spaces you have in your home - I love it.

    6 YEARS OLD!! My goodness! Sending birthday wishes!!

  2. nice work!! looks like you guys have done a great deal of work already.

    Enjoy the birthday party!

  3. I love this! What great spaces to have fun in. I love the colors. I'm so excited for you all.

  4. LOVE it! The basement is soooo nice!! And I'm in love with the school and dress up areas! So fun!!

    Missed you!! But enjoy that 6 year old! Mine will be 6 the end of July! :( My SIL reminded me the other day that it was more than half way to 10... :( Have a great weekend, Kate and Savvy Family!

  5. When I heard gray was the hot color this year, I was skeptical...but I LOVE it! The spaces for the girls are so sweet! AND I'd love your eating area! I just learned red and yellow hues enhance your girls should love all your cooking! :)

  6. Happy 6th birthday, Ella!! Can't wait to see pictures of the party! 6! It's so grown-up!

  7. oh its SO cute! I LOVE the color =)

    I can't wait to see more!!!!!!

  8. These colors are great and made me feel cheerful and inspired to PAINT! But first... washing the windows. And a few other things. Do you have to pull all-nighters to get projects like painting finished? I only have two little ones and I can't imagine finishing a paint job. :(

  9. Oh how I love my second home! :) I know I've told you a million times already, but I truly love all of the colors that you picked out and all of your decorations. The place is looking fantastic! I'm so happy you're there!

  10. that cathedral gray is's very "settling"
