Thursday, June 3, 2010

And When They Got Really Bored...

while we were moving...and unpacking...and unpacking some more...

We took them out back - let them kick off their shoes...

And, well - hosed them down...

And believe it or not, it's a new favorite around this place...

"Daddy, will you take us outside and spray us with the hose??"

Haha, it's so funny when they ask - they think it's the best thing ever!

Anyone else hose the kid's down in the back yard!? :)

(I'll go ahead and add that question to my list of "Question's I never thought I'd ask")


  1. That looks fantastic! I want to get in on that action! Did Eric stay dry the entire time?!?

  2. Yes! It's the best part of the routine in taking care of the garden! Our kids also love to get a cold drink out of the hose--except when it goes up their noses!

  3. That looks super fun!!! You're giving me some great ideas here :)

  4. oooh, me! me!

    Whenever the girls catch me watering the plants, they beg to be squirted with the hose. Great pics!

  5. That's hilarious and looks like a ton of fun!!!

    There's something on our blog for you :)

  6. We love to play in the hose. These are great photos.

  7. MIne like to be hosed while jumping on the trampoline. Such simple pleasures. :):)
