Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh It's Good To Be Back...

Our Internet has returned!

It was a long 5 days, but I made it :).

I have been putting clothes away...

hanging some decorations...

And the girls have been breaking in every inch of the house...

We feel at home, and I have lot's more pictures to come...

I can't wait to get all caught up - but it's after 1am so I'm off to bed for now!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. We've MISSED you!!! Now relax (with a computer on your lap, preferably :)).

  2. Oh what lovely photos! Cannot wait to see more. Glad you got the internet back. Enjoy!

  3. Looks great! Say in your spare time ... Because I know you have so much of it... :) Could you decorate my house? Can't wait to see more.

  4. Yay! Can't wait to see more pics! I've missed you!

    P.S. What is the paint color in that last picture? I love it!

  5. I am glad you are back!!! I've missed you, friend!! The pictures are amazing, can't wait to see more!

  6. lovin' that house bookshelf! can't wait to see more pics

  7. It is SOOOOO good to have you back. I have my fix - no more withdrawals.

  8. Loved the sneak peek. you must be ridiculously busy! Can't wait to hear and see far, FANTASTIC!

  9. Glad you are back in business ;)

  10. Looks AWESOME so far. I can't wait to see more. And, if I might say, you have ALOT of pink!

  11. the new house WITH the internet back. Life is good, huh? :) Glad that you insisted on seeing the dollhouse shelf on the right side. It looks perfect there!

  12. It's beautiful! What a relief to have a home--and a lovely place to be!

  13. toy box? Did someone make that for you. My dad my kids each a toy box and it looks so much like that one that it struck me. I love the grey color by the way. Funny how it shows up differently.
