Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Life throws you a Curve ball.

When you're just going about your day like everything is normal...

soaking up the sun, having fun with the kiddos at the pool...

swooning over how sweet your little loves are...

Life throws you a Curve Ball.

Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad...
For us, it was both.

Life has been a little crazy recently, which is why things have been a little quiet around here...

More on that, later.


  1. Another blessing on the way??

  2. Oh the anticipation- I'm on the edge of my seat! Please don't keep us hanging long...

  3. Hope everything is okay!! Thinking of you... ((HUGS))

  4. Hope all is ok! Thinking of you.
    I have a stalker so I had to change my blog to private. So if I can have your email I can invite you :) mine is tsalsberry@hotmail.com

  5. like when later? you can't just do this to us. :)

  6. Ha! I just read the comments and apparently piperparadise and I were on the same thought...is there another savvy little woman on the way?!

  7. I hope everything is ok. Don't have us worrying too long.....

  8. Those pictures are too cute. Love the summer fun!

    I do hope everything is okay!

  9. Hope all is okay. Love the pool pictures...so cute!

  10. Love those pics of Kin! The second one with the little drops of water on her face is my favorite!

  11. My sweet Kate, you are already a wonderful Mother, and only God knows what is in the Plan. It doesn't stop the hurt and disappointment though, but with strength, He will heal your heart. I love you, Mom
