Friday, December 31, 2010

A Savvy Year In Review - 2010

We ring the new year in...
Begin our 3rd month of living with my inlaws after selling our house...
Our marriage walks down a pretty dark road...
You all rally around us and pray (I’m still moved by the love and encouragement when I read those comments)...
Kinley & Raya start walking...
And we finally find our new home.

We celebrate 7 years of marriage...
Our marriage starts to heal
We start to completely remodel our fixer-upper...
And I decide to take all 5 girls shopping for my new jeans.

I turn 29...
I confront Target about the worst display ever...
The girls have spring break...
And we look forward to warmer weather.

Reese and Charlotte turn 4...
I get on a Mommy Soapbox...
We continue working on our new home – it feels like it will never be done...
And I realize that I’ve lost my cool.

Eric turns 32...
We finally move into our house...
I rejoice…and rejoice…and rejoice...
And I have an awkward conversation with the AT&T lady about our non-working internet.

Ella turns 6...
I find out we are expecting – we are surprised, but that quickly turns to excitement...
I end up miscarrying...
And you all seriously help carry me through with your sweet comments and love.

We celebrate the 4th ...
The girls and I spend every day at the pool...
I admit that we might be addicted to summer...
And I tell you all why Eric is the one.

Summer starts to wind down...
I carry around 45 extra pounds...
The Dr tells me that I will probably have trouble getting pregnant again...
I get a positive pregnancy test :)...
And our sweet Ella girl starts 1st grade.

I have a really, really rocky 1st trimester...
I start baking Pumpkin goodies...
Reese and Charlotte start preschool...
And I tell you all that we’re expecting!

Fall shows up for good...
I confess I might be addicted to Target...
We enjoy crisp, cool days at the park...
And we have an ultrasound that shows a healthy babe growing inside.

Kinley and Raya turn 2...
I share a story about our chaos with (in)courage...
I start decorating for Christmas...
We have a relaxing Thanksgiving...
And we find out that we are expecting A BOY!

We play in the snow...
Spend Saturdays at home just being together...
You all help us figure out what we are going to name this little guy...
And we have a great, relaxing, much needed Christmas break.

Whew! So here we are.We are looking forward to a new year, and finding out what God has in store for us – like a sweet baby boy :)!!
I hope you all have a great New Years!!

(please excuse us while we add/tweak some things on the ol' blog) 


  1. LOVE this post!

    {We celebrated 6 yrs of marriage, I also turned 29 and my hubby turned 31!}

  2. A year of ups and downs but definately full of blessings! Hope 2011 is great for you!

  3. I love this post. I can not believe I have been following you so long. I remember a lot of those posts. Hope you have a wonderful new year!!

  4. I like your new header...has it been like that a while??

  5. A wonderful post! Happy 2011 to you and your beautiful family xox

  6. Happy New Year! Hope 2011 is full of joy & wonder & excitement for you & your sweet babies!
