Thursday, December 30, 2010

Perfectly Crafted Snowflakes...

I thought this was really incredible so I thought I'd share. A good friend of our family, who is also our pastor, and a person you should follow on twitter, told me about these. These are pictures of actual snowflakes under a microscope...handcrafted by an amazing God...

Isn't that incredible?? I just loved it! Those pictures are from this website, just in case you're wondering :).

Hope you all are having a great Thursday! Anyone have big plans for New Years? (please say we're not the only ones staying in!)


  1. Ummmm, no you are the only ones staying in!!:) We are also!

    Even if I were not sick with staph. We probably would stay in! Regardless, glad I am not contagious!

    I love the pics! Thanks for the link. I am going to share with hubby tonight!

  2. Wow! That is amazing.

  3. We're staying in, too. Actually, I have to work this weekend (I only work one weekend a month; other than that I'm a stay-at-home mom), so I'll be getting to bed early. I hope the neighbors' fireworks don't wake me up!

  4. WOW, that is incredible. He is the ultimate craftsman! I love those pics.

    We are staying in tonight too. We usually do actually, the drunk drivers make me nervous. Just cuddling by the fire and hoping to make it to midnight! :)

  5. That is amazing!
    We are staying in as well and have for the last several years even Bk (before kiddos). We eat, watch movies and watch the ball drop. :)

  6. Ha! We'll be partying it up ALL NIGHT know...
    with two little babies waking us up at home!
    I'm hoping I'll be asleep before the stroke of midnight!

  7. Amazing, is right!!

    Happy New Year, chica!!
