You check the Hour-to-Hour forecast every morning to see when it will be sunny, and when there will be potential rain...
You have wet pool towels hanging on every chair, towel rack, or door knob in the house...
(yea I said door knob - we only have SO many towel racks.)
Every morning you pack a lunch for that day even though you're not totally sure where you're going...
You walk in to Target and the clerk says, "we don't see you much anymore now that its summer!"...
You're friends say, "well I waited to call till late afternoon cause I knew you'd be at the pool"...
And you laugh because, well, you were at the pool... You get to the pool/fountains and realize that you left ALL the towels on the kitchen counter - but you find one in the car from yesterday and just decide to share that towel for the day instead of driving back home...
You can't get enough pictures of those sweet curls blowing in the wind...

You make frequent trips to the local snow cone shop - and you consider those seasonal items...
The fact that the babies have almost mastered crawling onto the beach chairs without falling through makes you feel really proud...

The humidity is so intense it almost makes you feel sick, but its worth it...
You can't help but get your zoom lens out and take a picture from across the pool of your 6 yr old braving the diving boards...
The kids spend 8 hours a day in swimsuits...
And the bottoms of those suits are wearing really thin from scooting around in them - cement is so hard on those things!!
When the babies see any type of picnic table, they ask for a snack and go sit down...
Anyone else love summer as much as we do?
And if you think I love summer, just wait and see how much I adore Fall! :)
good times :) I love summer too, but I am ready for some relief from the heat, for sure!
I am right there with ya Kate. We love summer. Squirt zone and outdoor picnics on the front grass are our thing.
Enjoy these days they don't last forever! My kids are all teenagers now and I am no longer a stay at home mom! I actually have 2 jobs and I am dying to go to the pool, but hate to go alone, because it is way uncool to go to the pool now and especially not with your mom! We used to have park days where we would drive from park to park all morning then head to the pool in the afternoon, home for dinner and back to the pool and stop for ice cream on the way home, oh those where the days!
I love summer too... by far my favorite season. My question for you is.. How do you handle 5 little savvies at the pool?
I had to skip the pool this year but would like to go next year but I don't know how I could do it by myself.
I'm with you on this my friend. We are living in our swimsuits and couldn't be happier about it :)
I have to say I'm jealous... I wish I could enjoy our summer outdoors more! We have a newborn who can't be out in the humidity, so I can't take my older 2 to the pool (and I don't know how I would do it b/c we don't have the nice pools like you do!). It also seems to be raining every other day. I am sooo looking forward to next summer when we can actually enjoy summer again! I love and look forward to reading your posts... but man it makes me jealous!
There is just something about summer time with your kiddos!! I love days spent at the pool with them...swimming, playing, and laughing together. I am in denial that it is almost August :)
Man, you and those girlies are going to miss summer when it's over! Love the pic of Kin and Raya at the little picnic table. Too cute!
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