Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Outside The Box

Well, give me a week without a crazy schedule, and you will find us all still in our PJ's at noon. After all, if we have no where to go, why not stay in our pj's? They are the most comfortable piece of clothing that God created, am I right? ?

Listen, it's the holidays, with all the food we have flying around here ( and I actually mean that literally), pajama pants are just practical. least that's what I think...

Oh yea, I've wrote about this before. My passion for pj's runs deep. Real deep.

And let me just tell you, our girls just LOVED all their gifts this season - they can't put them down. Unless of course they are too busy spending ALL their time playing with the boxes instead of the actual toy...

That's right folks, that is your everyday "camp out in a box."

At least they brought the camera. You never know what kind of scenery you might run into inside A BOX!!

Ahem (again)...I'm not bitter. It's not like I stood in 10 degree weather at 4am on Black Friday for those no no, not me. Alright I did.


I hope you all have a fabulous New Years! We are having some company over and making a some yummy food (like I need more delicious dishes laying around here!). I will post pics of our yummy appetizers.

Please be careful, and please be safe! I had to say it, it's the mom in me...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Good Times

Christmas brought great memories...

Good food (and I mean gain a few pounds good)...

Lots (too many, actually) of fun gifts...

And some incredibly cute winter accessories...

That, is some serious sweetness right there :).

Hope you all had a great holiday!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

From Us...

Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas - I can't wait to read about all your holiday fun!!

Much love...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Christmas cookies, Check.

Snow outside our window, Check.

Proper attire, Check.
2 amazingly sweet babies that love wrapping paper, Check Check.

I don't know about you, but I have some excited little girls over here... :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is That What I Think It Is?

Wow, where have I been!? I feel like I have lost track of what day it is...and I actually have.

I thought it was Friday today, so I took goodie bags for Ella's Friday Christmas party, only to find out that I was one day ahead of the rest of the world...(or at least the rest of our town) I showed up at Ella's classroom door with a box full of goodie bags for a party that wasn't happening yet. I was a little embarrassed.

But not as embarrassed as I was yesterday when I was waiting in line for 4 prescriptions at the local store. It's quiet, people are waiting for medicine, the babies are throwing cheerios, and the older girls are running around a pole in the middle of the aisle...

Reese picks up a a box of pregnancy tests and says,

"mommy, is this the medicine you need? Here it is mommy!"

Ahem, baby put that back. Believe it or not, mommy doesn't currently need that medicine...I know it's shocking.

People chuckle, and confirm that "with as many kids as you've got here, it's no wonder she thinks you need one of those!"

Oh that's hilarious, really, very original. :)

(it was kinda funny, actually)

(the perfect oppurtunity to throw out a joke)


Good thing this pregnancy test finder is such cutie...

Tomorrow? Christmas cookies. Pictures to follow :).

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Good Nights Sleep

I guess I would sleep like a baby too...

If I spent all day crawling around, and licking every window in the house...

That can take a lot of energy out of you, don't ya know!? :)
Do you see her looking at me in the reflection? Cracks me up.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

(A Random Post)

I know I have been missing lately - life is just a little...well, wild.

I am up to my eyeballs in laundry. But don't worry, I have more help than I need...

And I thought of taking a little bloggy break...just cause life is a little out of control...

But then who would appreciate the fact that I got pulled over yesterday, just so the Police Officer could tell me my front license plate was missing?

And who would really appreciate the fact that he pulled me over for just that, and not the fact that I was going like 72mph instead of 65?

(Maybe I was going 77.)

(Alright, I was definitely going 77.)

(And for future reference, please don't pull me over while the babies are sleeping...taking away from the few quite moments in my day....thankyouverymuch)

Sorry, I value my quiet time.

If I didn't blog, who would I tell about the old lady at Trader Joe's yesterday that asked me if I was running a nursery?

Who would laugh with me about these things!?

You ladies keep me sane, and keep me laughing. (and I really love to laugh) I love getting my thoughts out here. It's therapeutic - even if they don't make sense sometimes :).

Speaking of babies, don't you just want to squeeze this little love??? Yum.

In other news, I've been thinking that maybe I should get over myself and just accept our situation. It's not like it will last forever...even though it feels that way sometimes. Maybe I should believe what I say when I say that this is God's plan for our family - His perfect plan for this season in our life. You know, because it's a lot easier to just get on board w/ His plan than to try to make my plans have holes and selfish demands.

But I just want find a house...I miss our home, Lord!!!

Ahem, Humility isn't easy, people.

I need to listen to Him more. Listening to myself talk all day is exhausting.

(even though I do make myself laugh at times.)

(and unless of course I'm talking into a Starbucks speaker ordering a Tall Skinny Peppermint Mocha. That talking is beautiful and beneficial....and delicious.)

So anyways, that's what we've been up to the past few days. Business as usual.

(if you consider living with this sweet little thing "usual".)

Hope you all are having a fabulous week!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

From Her Head To Her Feet

Our little Raya is back in action...

She is full of energy - From her tough little head...

Down to her sweet little toes.

Which is good - cause Kinley needs her sidekick :)!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Please Pray For Raya

UPDATE: We are home. Raya's CT scan was clear. She got to come home with a concussion and a sore little head. We have to wake her every 3 hours, and every time I do, I thank God that I am rocking my baby at home, and not in a more tragic situation in the hospital. We are so lucky, I can't say that enough.

Raya (who only stands alone for about 2 seconds) had pulled up on the gate that was at the stairs - the lock popped open, and she literally just went face first, head over feet, down 15 steps. I saw her pull up, but right before I got to her, the gate opened and she fell. It was without a doubt, the worst 3 seconds I think I've ever had. Those gates aren't completely child proof. It was truly a "something horrific is about to happen to my baby - mom moment." I wish I could get the image out of my head.

Anyway, I am more thankful than you will ever know for your prayers, comments, and means the world. I will check in again, hopefully w/ some pics of our sweet little trooper :).


Raya fell down a flight of stairs - she is vomiting and not herself. We are on the way to the hospital...please pray for her if you get a second...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm Just Going To Say It

I miss this little place...

This small house that we started our journey in just 6 years ago.

I miss my tiny laundry room...

my narrow driveway

and our kitchen table.

I miss my spice rack...

I miss our pictures on the wall...

the place on the couch where I used to sit at night and blog and edit pictures...

and I miss the "feeling" of our home.

I miss our old windows that the babies used to stand at and watch the older girls play out back...

I loved taking pictures by those windows...

But this is just a season, right?

Things will eventually go back to normal, right?

We will find another home soon, right!?!?

(at this point it's ok if you lie to make me feel better)

So what brought a good laugh and a smile tonight to this house hunter? National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

(and chocolate covered pretzels)

(and possibly a chocolate chip cookie)

(or two.)

And the quote, "Suprised, Eddie? If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn't be more surprised than I am right now." Hahahaha, I don't care who you are, that's funny.

Hey it's the small things, right!?

Hope you all had a great week!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tis The Season

For Holiday Tutu's.

Now that, is some serious Holiday Sweetness. :)

These tutu's were made by Jeni over at Carabella's, you must head over there and check out all of her adorable stuff!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Are Here

Well actually, we are here...

We did it, we moved. We loaded our last box at 3am on Saturday.

We found out quickly that you can't get a lot of packing done w/ 5 small children - so we did most of it at night, and even into the wee hours of the morning. The girls wanted to "help", but unfortunately their idea of helping was unloading every box we had just packed to see what was inside. It got a little old :).

And even though the little ones didn't make moving easier - they sure made it sweeter. I had no idea that movers could be this cute...

Sooooo, we are here, we are good, and we are looking forward to finding our new home!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am posting this from my phone - because everything in the house has been turned off except for the heat & electric. We are moving today and tomorrow.

I know, on Thanksgiving.

I'm not going to post a huge happy go lucky holiday post, because to tell you the truth, this has been a really hard couple days. No good, not fun, blah blah blah! So no frills, this is an honest blog, and honest I will be!

We are moving in w/ family. We have yet to find a home to fit our growing crew, except for one this past week that fell through. A huge, gigantic dissappointment. But all is well, and there are more homes out there...and for the right price, maybe we will buy it :)!

But you know what I've learned during my wishful thinking, and my "but this house is PERFECT for us, Lord" prayers? That its not the house thats perfect - it's His plan that is perfect.

So - thankful and patient I will be. (well, I will TRY to be!) Thankful for for a God who cares enough to give us 5 healthy little girls, and a perfect plan that He will reveal in His perfect time.

You know what else I'm thankful for? You. You ladies out there who have been sending encouraging emails and comments my way. They have made my day, my week, and sometimes made me laugh out loud when I really needed it. And that, my dear, sweet bloggy friends, is what it's all about.

I will keep you all updated on our status, and I look forward to having my internet back so I can get back to your blogs too!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

(You Know Me Well)

My Dear Bloggy Friends,
(those of you that help keep me sane)

I love that in my last post you all assumed that I would be at Target - why would you ever think that?? (I totally was.) I mean, it's not like it's one of my favorite places to shop. (love it, no other store compares.) And really, I do frequent other stores. (Never, always go to Target.)

There are lot's of places I could have taken my 5 girls to - where they could get popcorn to munch on while I shop for luxury items and other things for myself. (no where else, and I was buying diapers and stain remover.) Oh and speaking of popcorn, my girls would never spill it all over the floor - and if they did, they would pick each piece up and throw it away. (or maybe I just kicked it to the side of the aisle.) My children are well behaved and proper. (until they see that red bulls eye, it unleashes some kind of crazy in them.)

So in conclusion, I'd like to say that I have been branching out and shopping at other stores. (totally a lie, only Target.) I've realized that there are a lot of other great stores out there (false), and I have grown to love my new retailers. (no growth, just Target.)

(Team Target)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh No She Didn't

My Ella Girl.
My oldest, my sweet helper, my bossy little mommy.
She's funny, outgoing, and witty.
Oh, and obviously, savvy :).

Ain't she cute?

She's a lover, and an amazing hugger.
She is a great encourager - and always has nice things to say...

Because she is super sweet - remember?

But she does have her moments...

Like today at the store when I was begging the girls (my 3yr olds in particular) to:

"stop running down the aisles!"
"don't touch that!"
"get by the stroller!"
"aw c'mon - stop dumping the popcorn all over the floor!!"


Mercy, it's a beautiful, and chaotic life :).

Anyway. In the middle of that, my sweet Ella stops and says:

"Mom, you are giving me a headache. And I'm pretty sure you're giving Reese & Charlotte one too."

Really!? You didn't just say that, did you??

Wow, baby - I also, was just thinking the same thing.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Little Feet Photography

I always like to do pics of kids feet - and I think "family feet" pictures are so much fun too - I just love them!!

Just wanted to share :). Hope you all are having a great week!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Girls

Kinley & Raya, today is your 1st birthday.

It’s been a year since we heard your 1st cries, a year since I held you for the 1st time, and a year since you 2 made us parents to 5 little girls. 1 whole year since you came into our lives, like a breath of fresh air.

You girls are sweet beyond measure.

I have watched you grow over the past year, and I have adored every second of it. I love listening to you girls babble in the monitor 1st thing in the morning, the way your eyes light up when you see me, the way your peach fuzz hair smells, and the way you wrap your little fingers around mine.

I love the way you giggle at your big sisters, the way you snuggle into my neck when you’re tired, and the way you reach your arms out to be picked up.
Kinley, Raya, my cup runs over with love for you 2. It is bittersweet that a whole year has gone by. I love to watch you grow, but I also want you to be my babies forever – which, actually, you will always be my babies…2 of my 5. Don’t expect me to ever let go of that – I think it’s some kind of rule that I can always refer to you as my babies, no matter how old you are.

If I could bottle your baby sweetness, I would.

Mama loves you more than you could ever imagine.

Happy Birthday, my little loves.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Cupcakes Didn't Stand A Chance

Kinley & Raya didn't hesitate one second when it came to birthday cake...

They had a blast at their little party - more pics to come!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'll Take "Insanity By The Number" for 500, Alex.

1 house that needs to be completely packed up in the next 2 weeks.

1 mom that just wants this whole "moving thing" to go away.

1 mom that is eating to much left over Halloween candy instead of hitting the gym...and is unhappy w/ her tone...or lack there of.

That same mom remembers that it's not about whats on the outside...and also remembers that she needs to teach 5 young girls that get a grip, mom!

1 husband that is needing to be at the office late...almost every night.

1 wife that is thankful for a hardworking husband that is trying to meet the many needs of our growing family.

1 couple that is tired of bills.

1 mom that is beyond excited that the Peppermint Mocha is back at Starbucks.

2 babies that are turning 1 in 3 days.

1 parent that seriously can't believe it.

1 million smiles that those 2 little girls have given us over the past year.

1 3yr old that gets away from me faster than I thought.

1 teeny, tiny Amber Alert in Target tonight for a certain 3yr old - involving many walkie talkies giving out a description of my child.

1 sweet friend that my daughter was with, safe & sound.

1 mom that cried in the makeup section of Target while she told her kid to: Never. Ever. Wonder away again.

1 more "Not - So Mother Of The Year" award accepted :).

1 much needed laughing till you cry session after that with a close girlfriend.

0 dull moments in this sweet life.

5 little girls that are a breath of fresh air.

5 loves that make my day.

1 birthday party tomorrow.

1 polka dot cake, and 5 red velvet cupcakes to pick up.

1,000 pictures that might be taken as we celebrate Kinley & Raya's 1st know how I can get carried away w/ the camera...well, or anything for that matter :).

1 mom who is so very thankful for the insanity, even if it does feel slightly overwhelming sometimes :)!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

7 Days

Can you believe my babies will be 1 in just 7 days?

7 days!!

Oh my, you girls are a breath a fresh air.

You're sweet...

You're curious...
You're funny...
And you are way too cute.
Wow, 7 days - I can't believe it!

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Couple More Things

Alright, seriously, I feel like I have gone MIA!! Life is definitely a little hectic right now due to all this junk that is being passed around.

I have been doing tons of this...

And giving a lot of these...

Reese has been super pale, tired, and her cough is really deep. I knew this morning that the meds weren't helping and she needed to be seen again. 2 xrays later, we found out she has pneumonia.

Much needed Sigh...

My sweet Ella Girl has the flu, and the babies are still battling colds. Please pray that they get healthy fast, and that Charlotte doesn't catch anything!

You would never guess that a new humidifier would lift a little girls spirits like this did...

They named him Fuzz. And he has been more entertaining than I expected - giving me some giggles from my sick little ones :).
Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 Things

First, I am getting back to feeling like myself...finally!! We now have a few sick little ones to take care of, so mom needs to be back in action!!

Second, I smiled at your "get well" messages. Seriously, so sweet :).

And third, The Hershey Mint Truffle Kisses are back for the holiday season...already. This is fabulous news :).

Hope you all are having a great week and staying healthy!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mama Is Sick

The dreaded, much talked about Flu and Bronchitis have been keeping me from the blogging world...

It also kept me from taking my oldest 3 loves Trick or Treating...

Reese: "Mommy, when you get better, I will be allowed to give you a hug & kiss..."

Well why don't you just rip my heart right out!


Here's hoping that I turn a corner here soon - I really miss holding my girls!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two Tutu's

Too Cute...

Too Funny...

Too Charming...

Too Sweet...

Two Tutu's.