Friday, November 6, 2009

A Couple More Things

Alright, seriously, I feel like I have gone MIA!! Life is definitely a little hectic right now due to all this junk that is being passed around.

I have been doing tons of this...

And giving a lot of these...

Reese has been super pale, tired, and her cough is really deep. I knew this morning that the meds weren't helping and she needed to be seen again. 2 xrays later, we found out she has pneumonia.

Much needed Sigh...

My sweet Ella Girl has the flu, and the babies are still battling colds. Please pray that they get healthy fast, and that Charlotte doesn't catch anything!

You would never guess that a new humidifier would lift a little girls spirits like this did...

They named him Fuzz. And he has been more entertaining than I expected - giving me some giggles from my sick little ones :).
Hope you all have a great weekend!!


  1. Pneumonia, flu, two colds (*ticking off on fingers*)...oh honey. I'll say some prayers for their quick recovery so you all can get back to enjoying life SOON! I have to admit, that humidifier would have been a spirit lifter here too. Anything for a smile :)

  2. Ah, bless your poor sick little girls and their tired mama! I hope this is as bad as it gets and they are now on the road to recovery.

  3. We bought that same humidifier a few weeks ago and my kids love it too!

    You need to go get some more Hershey's Kisses! You deserve a break! ((hugs))

    I hope you are all feeling better soon!

  4. I so feel your pain.........saying a prayer for you.

  5. Aww, I'm so sorry! That stinks! Prayers for a fast recovery for all...

    Love the humidifier too! We used to have the frog, but now have the cow and dragon...

  6. Oh that is so sad. I hope you all get to feeling better really soon. We had a very rough stretch here a couple weeks ago and I am very thankful to be through it.

  7. Oh no! How are they feeling now? Hope everyone's on the mend and you're not too tuckered out!

  8. So sorry to hear about all the sickies you've been battling! We have been passing a cold around too, though nothing like pneumonia. That little baby cough breaks my heart, though.

    We have a fuzz too, nothing like a cute little humidifier to cheer up a sick little sweetie. :)
