Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm Just Going To Say It

I miss this little place...

This small house that we started our journey in just 6 years ago.

I miss my tiny laundry room...

my narrow driveway

and our kitchen table.

I miss my spice rack...

I miss our pictures on the wall...

the place on the couch where I used to sit at night and blog and edit pictures...

and I miss the "feeling" of our home.

I miss our old windows that the babies used to stand at and watch the older girls play out back...

I loved taking pictures by those windows...

But this is just a season, right?

Things will eventually go back to normal, right?

We will find another home soon, right!?!?

(at this point it's ok if you lie to make me feel better)

So what brought a good laugh and a smile tonight to this house hunter? National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

(and chocolate covered pretzels)

(and possibly a chocolate chip cookie)

(or two.)

And the quote, "Suprised, Eddie? If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn't be more surprised than I am right now." Hahahaha, I don't care who you are, that's funny.

Hey it's the small things, right!?

Hope you all had a great week!


  1. Yes, it is only a season...although sometimes these 'seasons' are no fun! I have oftentimes thought about what it would be like if we moved out of our house - the house my husband and I built as we began our family. I would have a difficult time seeing someone else in "my" home.

    Anyway, you will find another that will be a home to you and your that you will take new amazing pictures that you will make new memories in...and it will be wonderful. Praying for patience and speediness in this season of your life! :)

  2. Nicely put, my friend..."only for a season".

  3. Praying that the LORD shows you the PERFECT house for your sweet little family. Yes ... I can say that you have a "little family". :)

    Chocolate? I've had one of "those days", "those weeks" ... so, I think that's a good idea ... I'm going to go break open a BIG chocolate bar. Mmmmm.....


    mama of 13

  4. ((hugs))

    It's hard, isn't it? But yes, it's only a season. I've been sort of walking that same path with you this year as far as the moving and house hunting and selling and stress. It's tough to see the forest through the trees, but I think great things lie ahead for you? How could they not? You are so blessed to have 5 such beautiful girls and I know that you'll be settling into a new, fabulous home sometime soon. My prayers are with you! Hang in there!

  5. I'm sorry for the feelings of disconnectedness. I will be praying that you guys find a new home soon, one where you can create new memories, find new details (both good and occasionally annoying), and continue building a life.

    I hadn't experienced "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" until I got married. (Upon learning this, my horrified husband parked me on the couch and made me watch it from start to finish.) Good stuff, it is :)

  6. there's no place like home! Praying you find a new home to make new memories in very soon :)

  7. I'm just not getting around to catching up....

    hugs and prayers for you and your whole family.

    it is just a season, one we are going through right now too.

    it is hard though isn't it!

