Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is That What I Think It Is?

Wow, where have I been!? I feel like I have lost track of what day it is...and I actually have.

I thought it was Friday today, so I took goodie bags for Ella's Friday Christmas party, only to find out that I was one day ahead of the rest of the world...(or at least the rest of our town) I showed up at Ella's classroom door with a box full of goodie bags for a party that wasn't happening yet. I was a little embarrassed.

But not as embarrassed as I was yesterday when I was waiting in line for 4 prescriptions at the local store. It's quiet, people are waiting for medicine, the babies are throwing cheerios, and the older girls are running around a pole in the middle of the aisle...

Reese picks up a a box of pregnancy tests and says,

"mommy, is this the medicine you need? Here it is mommy!"

Ahem, baby put that back. Believe it or not, mommy doesn't currently need that medicine...I know it's shocking.

People chuckle, and confirm that "with as many kids as you've got here, it's no wonder she thinks you need one of those!"

Oh that's hilarious, really, very original. :)

(it was kinda funny, actually)

(the perfect oppurtunity to throw out a joke)


Good thing this pregnancy test finder is such cutie...

Tomorrow? Christmas cookies. Pictures to follow :).

Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. 4 medicines?? Hope you don't have that many sick babies!! Hang in there girl - hoping you get a little breather at the holidays :)

  2. Pretty funny and definitely cute! Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Ha! That one made me laugh out loud!
    I loooove those moments!

  4. That was very funny!

  5. Of all the things she could've picked up, it's pretty funny that it happened to be a pregnancy test. Your family is precious... sorry
    the world seems to need an explanation for the size of your family. Glad you got a little chuckle out of it! It was pretty cute!

  6. Heh. Kids are perfect in their innocence :) And hilarity.
