Sunday, December 27, 2009

Good Times

Christmas brought great memories...

Good food (and I mean gain a few pounds good)...

Lots (too many, actually) of fun gifts...

And some incredibly cute winter accessories...

That, is some serious sweetness right there :).

Hope you all had a great holiday!


  1. i absolutely love those sock monkeys!! My husband thinks they're creepy, so I'm gonna have to do some convincing, I think :)

  2. Love the hat! What an adorable picture!

  3. Oh, that hat picture is precious! What a sweet Christmas :)

  4. Super cute! Glad your Christmas went well... hope the New Year brings all sorts of promise and miracles :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by Kate. Your pictures are looking great also. Love the tree pic... I couldn't get a nice tree picture this year. Your girls are so beautiful. BTW... during the winter months I will be posting more about home, the kids and things on my blog... not just photography stuff so I hope you come by here and there :-). I start my course with Karen Russell January 4th!!!

  6. Ah, Merry Christmas Kate...the hat is stinkin' cute! and I hear you on the good food...mine was 2lbs. good!

  7. Hiya, Friend!! How goes it in OH??? Blistery, so I hear. :)

    We had a wonderful Christmas... and definitely some GOOD TIMES! :)

  8. Oh what a stinkin' cute hat, is it handmade? Love it, of course anything on that cutie will only be cute..
