Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Are Here

Well actually, we are here...

We did it, we moved. We loaded our last box at 3am on Saturday.

We found out quickly that you can't get a lot of packing done w/ 5 small children - so we did most of it at night, and even into the wee hours of the morning. The girls wanted to "help", but unfortunately their idea of helping was unloading every box we had just packed to see what was inside. It got a little old :).

And even though the little ones didn't make moving easier - they sure made it sweeter. I had no idea that movers could be this cute...

Sooooo, we are here, we are good, and we are looking forward to finding our new home!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!


  1. Glad you made it! Packing with little ones is never easy.

  2. Yea!! Glad you are there! Good luck and many blessings in finding your new home!

  3. glad you made it safely! Good luck getting unpacked and all.

  4. Even through the stressful times such as moving-- you still find time to snap a shot or two!-- LOVE IT! :)

    Thanks for the update.

  5. What a cute picture! You are awesome for being able to find the goodness in a stressful situation like moving :)
