Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More Photography - I'm Feelin' Strappy (My Camera Couture Giveaway!)

Not sure "strappy" is the word I was looking for.

But it's catchy so let's just go with it.

Morning, all! Hopefully this post makes sense cause I am running on very little sleep :).

Taking and editing pictures is somewhat therapeutic for me. More the editing than the taking, actually. There is something about popping a picture into my software and playing with it till it looks perfect that helps me clear my mind. It is a creative outlet after a long day of taking care of sick kiddos :).

What software do I use? Oh the usual. Photoshop and Lightroom are my 2 main programs that I work in, with Lightroom being my absolute favorite. Although Photoshop is great for tiny details, Lightroom is great for quick edits and really cool effects. It's like Photoshop on lot's of caffeine.You can actually go HERE and download free trials of both, it's totally worth a try!

I also have been known to play around in Picnik and Picasa. Both are (basically) free and wonderful :).

My Camera Couture is one of my favorite companies and a go to place for me to find some fun accessories and must have items. They have straps, lens cozies, wrist straps, and more!

You know what one detail I LOVE about some of their straps? This...

You can get straps from them that are reversible or even ones that have the above phrase on the backside. Love, love, love! The owner and designer Julia Kozak is very talented and each strap is handmade in her know, when she's not chasing her two kiddos :).

SO, today she is giving you one of her straps!

To Enter - It's simple, you can enter 2 times by leaving 2 separate comments. Just pop over to their site and let us know in one of the comments what you love, ok? The winner will be chosen through this time next week.

Good luck!


  1. Oh I really love the tan and white scrolls. So fun!

  2. Love me some new camera gear! :)

  3. I have a new camera -- and one of these straps would be such fun!

  4. I'd love the Pistachio/Aqua Retro Hoops with Brown Lining!

  5. Ooh! ...and the Pink/Olive Missoni neck strap!

  6. I love the pink and brown paisley!

  7. I LOVE Love Love the zebra strap... very stylish!!

  8. hopefully getting a new camera for Christmas... so a new strap would just make it complete!!

  9. I love the steel blue dots and squares.

  10. Followed by the blue and white shells.

  11. I love so many of them!! :)
    I think my favorite might be the red/white/black flowers that switch to red/white dots.

  12. I have a great camera (Nikon) & now just need a great strap to go with it!

  13. I love the Jungle Fever with Red Lining

  14. What a great giveaway!

  15. Oh, I am in love with that pink and orange paisley!

  16. But I also love those wrist straps, and my husband would love the idea, too :)

  17. I love the light and dark pink scrolls on brown with pink lining!

  18. Wait...make that the brown scrolls on pink with brown lining...they are seriously all so cute I can't decide!

  19. Would LOVE to win this - in need of a new camera strap!

  20. Would LOVE to win this - in need of a new camera strap!
