Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Still Here...

but I'm under a pile of sick kiddos, and that has been keeping me quite busy.

One has it, then they give it to another one...and another one...and another one...and so on. Before I know it, it's swung back around to the one who had it initially. Sigh...

I'm tired.

But thankful that I've had some extra snuggle time with my loves :).

3 of them have croup tonight, one of those being Lincoln, which is really worrying me since he's so little. I hate croup, it just can get scary so fast. He's asleep right here beside me and I'm praying that he (or the other 2) don't get any worse through the night.

(this is where you hug me and remind my tired self that everything will be alright.)

(or you could send Starbucks. Yea, Starbucks would make me feel better too.)

SO, we'll be back to our goofy selves soon...

Or at least I hope we are, these germs are really cramping our style.

Target hasn't seen us in 8 days, I don't want them to start to worry.

I'm out for now to catch some zzz's while my little's are resting. Hope you all had a great weekend and a wonderful Monday!


  1. Oh Kate,
    I am so sorry to hear that. I will be praying they recover soon. We've had some colds and ear infections. . cold season can get rough. But, too will pass, right? :)
    Hang in there.
    Hugs, jen

  2. Hope you're all getting rest and those sick littles recuperate quickly!

  3. So sorry your little ones are sick! I hate that. Probably one of the hardest things about being a mom, seeing your kids sick and only being able to help so much...

    I'll pray for you tonight before I fall asleep!

  4. I'm so sorry everybody's sick :(

    Target will probably be sending out an APB soon saying that you and the kids have been kidnapped because you haven't been in :)

    (I'm pretty sure they'd do the same thing if I hadn't been by in 8 days!)

  5. uh oh! hope your 3 get better quickly and the rest of you stay healthy!!

  6. EIGHT days - they may send a search & rescue party. :)

    Praying that everyone is on the mend really soon!!

  7. Hope the little people in your house are starting to feel better! Get some rest if you can!!
