Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The girls and I always sing this to our 6 MONTH old Lincoln...we kinda made it up...and I'm pretty sure it goes along with the slinky tune.

Everyone needs a Lincoln...

You've got to get a Lincoln...
(taken the day I had him below)

Lincoln, Lincoln, go Lincoln go!!

He smiles every single time we sing it, no lie :).

6 months old. Half a year! Say it isn't so!

(hold me)

(alright, I'm better)

We love that 6 month old babe. He was definitely the missing "Linc" to our family :).


  1. 6 months Already? Guess I've lost all track of time. Yesterday I JUST realized my lite boys FIRST birthday was just over a month away. Wow time flew!

    Lincoln is adoriable (though I'm bias towards little boys)!

    Hope he is feeling better!

  2. Saw an Excursion today with the license plate GOT6KIDS, made me laugh a little and think of you.

  3. Those eyes are gonna win someones heart when he gets older!!! He is adorable and i cant believe he is 6 months already!

  4. I feel for you! =) My Zach just turned 6 weeks yesterday, and even *that* is too big!

  5. holy cow! it seems like you just had him!

    that last picture is cracking me up-it looks like he's going to attack a toy :)

  6. oh my goodness. 6 months already?!

  7. Oh he is just the sweetest little guy! What an abundant blessing he is! Can't believe he's 6 months already!
