Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Were Right, Friends...

 It's a bond like no other...

a love like I've never known...

a connection I can not explain...

and I am 100% wrapped around this little boy's finger...

a son, a gift, a joy.

You were right - the bond between a mama and her son is one of a kind :).

(I am not a fan of being in front of the camera at all, but my savvy (almost) 7yr old Ella took these pics, and I want to remember these moments :). She loves exploring with my camera. Not bad, eh?)


  1. Wow! Good job, Ella, on the pictures! You look great, Kate!

  2. Awesome pictures, a lovebug and mommy. I have a son and a daughter and six grand children, they are all awesome~ take care from a grandma in oregon.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE a newborn. The smell~ the cuddly soft body, the warmth of their face, oh enjoy your moments they grow so fast as you know. I also loved the quiet night times, peaceful, dark and sweet moments.

  3. Ella did a great job on those pictures! Isn't it wonderful that you get to experience what your husband has all along? He's got the father-daughter bond, and you've got the mother-son.

  4. she takes a good photo :)

    and I couldn't agree more about the mother-son bond... I am blessed five times over with that one :)

    I was looking at my four year old tonight and began to wonder about the man he will grow into... it's just a delight to imagine him a strong, capable fellow, a Daddy, a husband..... lovely

  5. Those are great pictures and you look FABULOUS for having such a small baby...not to mention 5 other pretties running around :)

    I can't wait to experience the bond between a mother and a son!

  6. OMG how adorable! Your little girl is a natural with the camera. She learned from a great one, of course! Enjoy your time with him.

  7. I can't believe she took such good pictures =) Awesome!

    You know, with each kid I have I bond to them more than the last, it's amazing.

    Glad things are going well for you guys =)

  8. Great pictures, Ella! And what a sweet post, Kate :)

  9. so sweet! I am so happy to see you! thanks for sharing those pictures!

  10. Precious. Absolutely precious! You tell that little savvy she took some GREAT pics!

  11. Heartmelting!!!

    Love, love, love it.

    Kate, you look fabulous!! And Lincoln is just a precious handsome prince.

    You are so rich!!

    Also. I love your ring. ;-)

  12. Go Ella! Little boys are special in their own little way for sure!

  13. She did great. These are soooo sweet.

  14. Beautiful! You & your little man. I am so glad you have a budding photographer to capture those moments for you!

  15. It doesn't surprise me that Ella is talented behind a camera - talent is passed on from her mom!
    Sweet, Lincoln. I just can't get enough of him!

  16. Ooh, tell Ella that I'm impressed! Those are such great pictures of you and the little nugget! That baby boy is pretty darn lovable! :)

  17. Love seeing your pretty face in some pictures!!! There's something special about a little boy. :)
