Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You're Not The Only One Who...

tends to the kids around the clock...

only has the time and energy some mornings to throw on a sweat shirt and tie her hair back in a knot...

checks her email in the preschool pick up line...

chases bad dreams away in the middle of the night...

checks them all before going to bed yourself...

and who only thinks she remembers what a full nights sleep is...

You're not the only one who...

isn't sure where she fits in sometimes...

wonders what the other moms think...

is unsure what to share and what not to share...

wonders who she can trust...

and who can't seem to get out of the house much by herself.

You're not the only one who...

can barely see over the laundry pile...

wonders how on earth the dishes are piled up again...

thinks twice before picking up the toys since they will be back out in mere minutes...

considers going to the bathroom as time to herself...

and who views grocery shopping at 11pm as your "me time."

You're not the only one who...

is struggling to find time to have a quiet time...

feels that these little loves push you to seek Him more...

sometimes feel like you've lost yourself in the trenches of mommyhood...

is learning that you haven't lost yourself as much as found yourself through this calling...

and who feels blessed to be as tired as you are...

You're not the only one who...

feels pulled in a 1000 directions...

wants to bottle the smell of her new baby...

loves when her kids laugh as hard as they can...

and thinks there is no better feeling than having all those little arms hug your neck.

You're not the only one who...

loses her cool with her kids...

sometimes laughs at what they're doing when you really should be correcting them...

has to often remind herself that God is in every detail of mothering - the big and the small, even the mundane and the redundant...

thinks if you could, you'd be fired some days :)...

spends time watching her babies sleep rather than doing house work...

feels overwhelmed when you realize how much you love them...

and who is constantly asking the Lord to teach you how to be a mom that will make a difference in these little lives.

You're not the only one...

at least that's what I keep telling myself :).


  1. So nice to know i'm not the only one!!! :)

  2. You are not alone Kate! I wouldn't give this up for anything.

  3. I love this! And you are incredibly blessed :)

  4. love it! It's good to know, I'm not doing it by myself :)

  5. You're not the only one either, Kate!

  6. Nope, you're not alone! I'm right there with you, even though I only have half the number of children you do. ;-)

    I wish we lived closer so we could meet in real life.

    I hope you have a good day, and think of me when you eat that Twix. :-D I *love* Twix. Yum.

  7. This hit home for me today. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, Friend. Miss being neighbors with you.

  8. Really needed to hear that today! Thanks! Wish I lived closer to have you take pics of my twins;)

  9. It is really funny how you have been saying exactly what I have been feeling lately! Don't worry...You're NOT the only one!!!

  10. I loved this post ;)
    Hope your day is going well. As my good husband often reminds me, if all we ever do is feed and clothe (well, jammies do count :) our kids...that's enough in itself. :)
    You are doing good. :)

  11. Phew! :)
    Today I felt like I must be the only mom who just absolutely cannot bear the thought of going through labor pains...again; yet, I'm so antsy to get this baby here and cuddle all his sweet, smell-good baby goodness!

  12. So true! Thank goodness He comes along beside us!

  13. RIght there with ya, friend! So many days, I wonder when things became so extremely busy and consuming as a mom, but I truly wouldn't have it any other way.

  14. Love this! I can relate to almost all of those! It's so nice to just know that you're not alone sometimes. :-)

  15. Well,as a 55 yo mom with one of her babies about to turn 25-how did that happen,I just want to say-CAN I HOLD THAT LITTLE BOY!!!! He is so cute!!!!! Anyway,I just have to get my fix at church. Unfortunately on Sunday when I thought I would have the chance,the little guy was asleep in his carrier. I didn't think the mom would really want to take him out just so I could hold him! LOL! :)

  16. You get to pee by yourself? I'm jealous. Yesterday, my 3 year old son came in the bathroom and asked if he could pee between my legs.

  17. It all goes by too darn fast.... I'm just getting my groove back baby... it's taken me a good two years after my twinnies {my babies number five & six}

    I'm getting out, meeting new friends, taking more time for me. You gotta bide your time...... enjoy it ALL.....


  18. Awww. I love this!!

  19. So, so, so, so, so very true.

    Haven't had much time to read (or write) blogs lately, but it's nice to know you're doing well, adjusting and cutting yourself some slack where it needs to be cut.

    Big hugs.

  20. No. You are certainly NOT the only one.

    Oh how I wish that I had had a blogging world when I was raising my first set of kids. You young mamas are BLESSED to be able to connect with so many other mamas who think that are "the only one".

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

