Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh Happy Day...

I just love 3 day weekends, don't you?

We're just going to hang out this weekend...

run some errands...

take a family trip to the grocery...

maybe get some stuff done around the house...

be together...

try out some new is officially swimsuit season, why not bake a cake, sister?

Kinley will probably grow a new curl or 2...


get the girls hair cut...

I'll most likely do some kissin' on Lincoln's little feet...

We'll push some toys around out back in our 90 degree weather...

run through the sprinkler...

and maybe we'll even head to the pool for a think the pool is ready for us this year :)??

So that's about it, nothing huge going on...just going to enjoy being with my people.

Hope you all have a great looonnng weekend!


  1. Sounds like great fun!!! Happy Memorial Day!!!

  2. Love Kinley's curls! Have a great weekend!!1

    Love your last tweet. Totally cracked me up!

  3. Enjoy your family time. Adorable photos.

  4. Hope its a GREAT weekend. :) I Know i love the extra day hubby has off ;) Enjoy

  5. What a cute picture of Kin's curls! Hope you guys are enjoying the sunshine...finally!!

  6. sounds like a great weekend!

  7. that sounds like a amazing weekend. we spent the day in the yard but sadly the Army has decided my husband is needed in the mornng at 3am and give up the rest of the weekend (or 12 days). maybe we will have a rewind button soon and get to try again

  8. I love those darling little curlS!
    You have a darling family. Have a fabulous weekend!

  9. Enjoy your weekend! How could you not? Big families are the bomb!

  10. Alright, I must admit I DO NOT miss the 90 degree weather. Loving our more mild weather here. Hope you're enjoying the long weekend. Sounds like fun.

  11. Sooo jealous of your warm weather! In Utah we are expected mixed precip tomorrow...yeah, SNOW! Crazy, huh!

  12. 90 DEGREES!?!?!? Goodness, color me green with envy! We've still got rain, rain, hail, rain and drizzle. And it's like... 54 degrees. :-P

    You're family is so beautiful! I love all the pictures. =)
