Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My (Target) Partner In Crime - And A Coupon Code For You!

I've had some questions about those sweet little outfits that the girls had on for Halloween - you know, when they were Santa's Helpers :). Well those are from Jeni over at Carabella's Baby and Children's Boutique.

Jeni not only runs Carabella's, she also is the one who runs around Target with me on weekday mornings. See, it's not completely my fault I'm addicted - she encourages the frequent visits. Back when Reese and Char were born I ordered some blankets from her, and then had the chance to really get to know her this past year or two. And now we are cruising the Target aisles together, strung out on good deals and Starbucks coffee. :)

Her Tutu's are the cutest. And just for the record, I personally have never tucked a tutu into the back of my own pants, but I've heard it's really embarrassing...


SO...anyway. Jeni is going to give you a coupon to use in her store so you can go get you some of these sweet Christmas shirts, or one of these Tutu's, or this Dr. Seuss blanket that I will NEED to order if we find out we're having a boy.

So if you desire, you can head over to Carabella's site and use the coupon code FF25 for 25% off your entire order! Great, huh?

Happy Shopping!


  1. Love that the girls are modeling the shirts on the site!!! :)

    Cute stuff!

  2. EEEK! I'm so excited to use that coupon I can't even contain myself!
    Now, what should I get...

  3. Great post--all of Jeni's stuff is SO cute!

    Also, I must say, that picture of Raya's behind is pretty hilarious... :)
