Monday, November 1, 2010

Why I'm Behind On Blogging Everything...

1. Fall festivities. I love them. But there are SO many!

2. Santa's helpers showed up early...

3. And demanded candy...

4. I couldn't stop taking pictures - the tutu's, the tights, the shirts, their sweetness. It made me even more excited for the holidays!

5. We went trick or treating over the weekend with some great friends. Marisa is one of my favorite people, and also one of my quad girls (accountability). You know when you hang out with someone, and everytime you walk away from being with her, you say "I love that girl." Marisa is one of those girls for me - she's fantastic :).

6. I've been trying out some new recipes - one of them being Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. It hasn't been easy though since I've had to go back and forth to the store for different ingredients. During a (pregnant) mental block at the store, I thought Corn Meal and Corn Starch were pretty much the same thing.

I know, I'm basically Betty Crocker.

The soup will eventually turn out yummy though :).

7. We have been moving things around, and redecorating. Sometimes I feel like we're still moving in - but really I just like moving things around :). I also want to paint again - have I ever mentioned that I like to repaint a lot? Eric swears the rooms are smaller by the time I get done painting them. I want to redo my red kitchen - should I? Color suggestions?

8. I also might have been getting some of my Christmas stuff out - don't be surprised if the tree goes up in the next few weeks. I think I'm just making up for last year since I didn't get to decorate...remember??

So that's about it - might not sound like a lot for the past 3 days, but it has kept me busy!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Awww, the girls look so cute in that picture! I love how Char and Ella are looking at each other.

    Repainting?! Ok, I'm in! I'll bring the New Kids music again and we'll rock out. It'll definitely be a lot scarier now that your floors and carpeting are installed... :)

  2. Nothing wrong with decorating early! In preparation for the baby I've ALREADY put my tree up & wrapped all our presents!

    BTW, the girls look adorable!

  3. Where did you get those shirts?! They are too cute!!!

  4. I still want to see the red kitchen! I know I would like it.

    Miss you...and target.

  5. Adorable girls! You capture the best shots! Can't wait for more CHRISTMAS!!! (You get credit for making me get in the mood for every new season!)

  6. The girls look adorable!! Where did you find those shirts? Also, please share your recipe for homemade chicken noodle soup. I have been wanting to that and Chicken-n-dumplings. :)
    Oh, we have our tree up already but that is a seperate email! lol
    What were the girls for halloween?

  7. Oh my! I love that picture! So adorable!!! Sounds like you have been busy.

  8. I always pick red when I think of walls. It is my fav.

    Maybe green? Or, maybe green stripes - for Christmas. You'll be SOOO festive and have an excuse to paint again after the holiday! :)

  9. I have to agree with you about Marisa! I think she's pretty fantastic, too!

    And those tutus are adorable on your adorable little ladies!

  10. love those shirts. Did the wee ones get in on those and the tutus?

    Enjoy deserve it!


  11. You have plenty of reasons to be behind on blogging! But your girls are super cute. We're totally getting into the Christmas spirit here too :)

  12. Oh, you know who has the most fabulous paint colors? Restoration hardware! Goggle it if you don't have them in your area. And you don't have to get their paint, just use it as your inspiration. I love their Signature color-silver sage!
