Wednesday, November 3, 2010

28 Days...

till we find out what is in the belly...

boy or girl...

pink or blue...

a little guy or another savvy?

I can't wait!

What do you think it will be??


  1. I think it will be a girl... based on your track record :)

  2. I think Laura's on to something. My guess would be girl. A family down the road from us has 9 girls and we reference them anytime someone brings up "why don't you try again for a boy"! But who knows! God might just have something else in mind for your little fam :)

  3. oh man...i'm so bad at guessing...never got that gut feeling with either of my girls :)
    Excited to find out though:)

  4. I am going to say BOY.... I have been right the past 3x I guessed for others, but I usually have to see the person... Can't wait to find out!

  5. Oh boy! Maybe you will find out gender on the day my little one is due! I have (theoretically) 25 days to go!

    Either way, I'm just hoping for a healthy little one for you! Boy or Girl, I'm sure it will be welcomed with lot's of love!

    PS- Isn't the waiting SO painful? Sometimes (mainly waiting for gender & again close to delivery) I wonder why I even THINK about how long I have left!)

  6. First, congrats.. not sure if I congratulated you yet. Second.. a boy. Wouldn't it be fun to add a little man to that sweet family you have? I could just picture the little brother acting as big brother to all his sisters :-)

  7. I think it's a boy...but you know I think a girl would be great too!

    Can't wait to find out.

  8. You've said this one feels different - so that could lean more towards it being a boy - of course it could feel different because there is only one baby in there!! :)

    A picture could help us guess....time to let someone else be behind the camera. ;)

    Either way - boy or girl - I'm just so stinkin' excited for you guys!!! Woohoo, baby time!

  9. I am going to say boy. Just because it would be so cute to have all girls and one little baby brother. Can't wait to find out. :) I want to see belly pictures!!

  10. OH MY!! Let's see, I hope a boy but it just may be another girl!

  11. My guess is boy, just because you have felt a little different...but either way that little one will be loved by his/her older sisters!

  12. No clue... I'm always so bad at guessing my own, lol! :) Can't wait to find out! I agree, though, we need to see a belly picture! ;)

  13. ITS SO a boy..ya gotta experience it at least ONCE =)
