Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And Then, They Tried To Manipulate The System.

Oh it's true.

They're good, they're real good.

After I mapped out my rules for the Jars, and after they eagerly agreed, and right after we all went on our merry -jar-happy way...

They came up with a plan to foil my plan.

Oh you're cute, ladies, but mama knows what you're up to...

From upstairs I hear them chatting in the basement...

Ella - let's get all the toys back out, put them all over the floor, then clean them up and tell mom to come see how great it looks down here - then we'll get more candy in our jars!

Reese & Charlotte - Yea! Ok!!


Ladies, ladies, ladies. Let me introduce myself - I'm Mom, have we met? :) You don't think I would buy that little plan, now do you?

Ella actually said, "how did you know that's what we were doing?"

Me: Because I'm the Mom, that's how.

Ella: So you know about everything we do?

Me: Yes (not really), remember that when you're a teenager - mom always knows.

I might have to crack down on my Jar rules, don't you think?? :)


  1. Oooooo....they're smart ones! Too cute!

  2. Oh no!!!!!! Your girls look to sweet to be that conniving. ROFL!!

    It's amazing how smart those little ones are. What a grand idea they had.

    Mom's do know everything don't they.

  3. my kids are a little too smart for their own good, too! or maybe for my own good :)

  4. Too savvy those ones!! Their quick wit will serve them well in life! :)

  5. Ha!!! They are smart, but I've always thought that about them :). They know they are cute too!

  6. I got jars!!!! and man my boys are coming up with their interpretations of my rules too..... so Funny..... naughty little guys. Your girls are so cute though xx

  7. Cute! They are Savvy little women!
