Monday, August 2, 2010

In Which I Pay Them To Behave

Well, kinda.

I've decided to do Reward Jars with the girls. I feel we're in a little bit of a discipline rut. You know, when they could care less when I say,

"seriously, I am going to take away every one of your privileges until your 18 if you don't stop. And if you put another cheese-it down the vent, you're going to bed - I don't care if it's only noon."

(I know those of you who know me in real life can just hear me saying, "seriously...")

(I say it way to often.)


Anyway. I drove myself down to Target and picked us up some little glass canisters - you know, cute ones in case this whole jar thing falls flat, then I can use them for decor.

I always have a back up plan.

They were only $5 bucks each - totally worth it. I also picked up a .99 cent bag of scrapbook letters, and I taped their 1st initial on...

When they do what they're asked, when I don't have to tell them twice, if they pick up without me asking, if they lend a helping hand, and when they do things without whining or complaining - something goes in the jar...

When they whine, don't listen, ask twice, act rude, get an attitude, argue, or talk back - something gets taken out.

Let me tell you, friends - things are getting done around here.

We don't reward them every time they do something good, just here and there we pop something in after they've earned it. Then they are so surprised when they discover something new.

These stackable Jars have changed the game a little.

So next time I have to say, "stop opening EVERY freezer door in the frozen food section - everyone can hear them slamming shut!!" I can tell them that they will lose something from their Jar if they don't quit.

The Jars, have power.

Sooooo, here's hoping they continue to work!

Have you ever done a reward system?


  1. Brilliant... good luck, I hope your success continues... yay for clever ideas.... and I love how you have "the back up plan" xx

  2. I'm so glad that's working for you! I know how hard it is when they don't listen! Mine had a chart, 3 strikes and if he didn't get three he got dessert after dinner. it worked until he got all three strikes and didn't have a reason to be good. 3 strike = fail. I've thought about rewards but I've been reading this book, "love and logic" and really like the concept. No warnings, just consequences. Its like when they are little and throw their cup down we just take it away. Instant in a calm voice, "uh oh" and you put them in their room or take something away. I haven't gotten to anything about how to handle being out and about yet.

  3. Hey, good idea. I have been trying to find some sort of system for my 2 and 4 year old girls. The boy (10) has a point system. He gets points for doing good things, listening and loses points for disobeying. At -15 or +15 he gets the discipline or the prize and he helps decide his prize. I think it is not working as well as it did in the beginning.

  4. oh who I LOVE the word seriously! I use it ALL.THE.TIME =)

    and yes, we have used the reward system from time to has done good =)

  5. Cute jars and great idea. Hope it works for you!

  6. Cool idea! I'm about ready for some Target jars. :)

    Wondering what exactly I am going to do about some of our behavior issues as we head out on a 5 week Road
    Trip. Yikes!


  7. Great idea. I need something to do with my 2 year old that doesn't listen. I may try this.

  8. Great idea!! Kind of lets them know that there are good and bad consequences to our actions!!

    Way to go Mom!

  9. LOL. I love your back up plan. ;)

  10. Great idea and I love the jars...seriously. lol :)

  11. Genius idea! (and so pretty).
    Because my kids are older I do the disappearing bedtime system.
    For every fight with each other or not doing homework or chores or talking back ... I take 15 mins off their bedtime (they can earn the time back too). Yes we have had a night when they went to "bed" at about 5.30pm ;-)
    Thanks for sharing I love reading great parenting ides.

  12. Ooh! I might have to give this one a shot. While I'm at it I can do, "one for me, one for you!"

  13. Love the jars. And, yes, I can totally hear you saying "seriously." I think you say it as much as I say that j-word that I like a lot... :)

    Oh, and remember how when I left you about an hour ago, I was supposed to go home and clean? Yep, I'm just here reading your blog instead. I have mastered the art of procrastination...

  14. Love this! Classy, cute jars and positive reinforcement! Wish I could have a jar for rewards when I do, it would fill up so fast and I think that chocolate would be a great motivator! :)
