Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You've Been A Good Friend

Monkey, I bought you when I was pregnant...

Kinley, loves you.

You have taken many naps...

You have had a lot of playtime...
And your poor little hands have been chewed on...

You're her little buddy - and what could possibly be better than that??

Alright, this last picture melts my heart....

I will keep that monkey forever, he's definitely a keepsake.

Do your kids have a special thing they carry around?


  1. We have a bunny who goes by the "Bunny." We're incredibly creative around here. Bunny has been rescued from a snowstorm around midnight when she was inadvertently left in a friend's driveway, returned from the in-laws (again very late at night) and now has a prosthetic leg thanks to the dog. It took me 7 years to finally figure out who gave the darn thing to us. She started out pink and now is a bit more on the mother-of-pearl gray side of the spectrum.

  2. My oldest has a small stuffed dog also creatively named "Doggie" :D If he wakes in the middle of the night and Doggie has disappeared from his side, much yelling and crying ensues. His younger brother just needs a pillow. Any pillow will do, but king-sized is preferable :)

  3. horsie
    baby #2
    and fluffy

    hard to guess what they all are, isn't it?
    My kids are as brilliant with creativity as Delenas =)

  4. Yes, Lily has a stuffed dog that she LOVES. For a long time the only animal name she knew was "Cat" so that's what she called him -- "Cat" the dog. :)

  5. Allison has her Dolly (carter's doll) and she is seriously part of the family! She goes everywhere with us...I am sure you have seen her before.
    She used to have blonde yarn pigtails but she has rubbed them completely off....no more hair!
    We bought an extra one off ebay just incase she lost hers but she wants nothing to do with it...so funny!

  6. We have THAT monkey too! :) My daughter loves him.

  7. Nugget has this adorable fleece no-sew paw blanket her great grandma made for her that she drags behind her. Too cute!

  8. We sure do...teddy, thumper, froggy and the most creative mr moo.

    I've got a post in the makings but they sure don't look like monkey does...many a repair and "bath"

  9. My daughter has her "lovey" which is a blanket I made for her when I was pregnant for her. She has it with her everywhere she goes.

  10. Kate,

    We have the lion from that company. Natalie picked it out for Aidan when he was born. It was his coming home gift along with the book, "That's not my lion", which he also loves. But Leon, prounounced, Lee-O-n, is well loved and has had many, many adventures!!

  11. Kate,
    I am a mother of three grown children, including a set of twins. I am also a teacher at a private, Catholic school. Although I am a staunch proponent of private education, please not agonize one more minute about sending your children to schools in a quality, public school system. They will be just fine and will thrive academically and socially in a quality system. Enjoy them when they are young; they will be grown before you know it.

  12. We have a baby doll and pink blanket. Let me rephrase that...we have a dingy pink blanket that gets dragged around even the nastiest of places and a naked doll whose head is always turned around backwards. Oh, and don't forget the paci...the paci that will be going to see the Easter Bunny soon because it's just getting a little ridiculous. But, then again, it's just a piece of plastic she sticks in her mouth...whose it hurting?

  13. That last picture is totally priceless! My girls both have Buddies (how halle said blankie when she was little) Not sure what I (or they) would do without them!

  14. That is the best picture! Those precious curls and sweet little monkey face! It is too cute.
